Shiwei Zeng

Email: shiwei.vivi.zeng at gmail dot com (effective since June 2024)

I obtained my Ph.D. in CS at Stevens Institute of Technology, advised by Professor Jie Shen

My area of research is on Machine Learning Theory and Algorithmic Robustness. I study scenarios when machine learning algorithms are faced with modern challenges such as malicious adversaries, data deficiency, and unreliable human feedbacks; meanwhile, my interest goes well beyond that, including but not limited to data privacy, algorithmic fairness, and algorithmic game theory. Recently, I have been concerned about multiclass learning problems.

I will join SCCS Augusta University, GA as a tenure-track assistant professor from Fall 2024. I have multiple openings for PhD students. Please drop me an email if you are interested.


Passed my thesis defense on April 24, 2024! Thanks to all committee members!


My Ph.D. Calendar:

May 2024 - Received Excellence in Graduate Research Award (Class of 2024).

April 2024 - Passed my thesis defense.

May 2023 - Been selected for the Stevens Excellence Doctoral Fellowship for the 2023-24 academic year.

May 2023 - Passed the thesis proposal defense.

Apr 2023 - One paper studying robust learning sparse PTFs got accepted to ICML 2023.

Jan 2023 - One paper studying crowdsourced PAC learning got accepted to AISTATS 2023.

Sep 2022 - One paper studying robust sparse mean estimation got accepted to NeurIPS 2022. October: travel grant received.

May 2022 - One paper studying crowdsourced PAC learning got accepted to ICML 2022. June: travel grant received.

Feb 2022 - Received the Early-career AMS-NSF-Simons-ICM Travel Grant to participate in ICM2022 in Saint Petersburg. (ICM went virtual).

Research Seminar:

The machine learning theory seminar is paused for now.


I enjoy dancing as a hobby, for which I was active in Hong Kong and New York City from 2013 to 2020. It teaches me hard-working is the key to any achievement.

Meanwhile, I play ultimate frisbee to keep myself physically active.