Shiwei Zeng

Email: shiwei.vivi.zeng at gmail dot com (effective since June 2024)

I obtained my Ph.D. in CS at Stevens Institute of Technology, advised by Professor Jie Shen

My area of research is on Machine Learning Theory and Algorithmic Robustness. I study scenarios when machine learning algorithms are faced with modern challenges such as malicious adversaries, data deficiency, and unreliable human feedbacks; meanwhile, my interest goes well beyond that, including but not limited to data privacy, algorithmic fairness, and algorithmic game theory. Recently, I have been concerned about multiclass learning problems.


Passed my thesis defense on April 24, 2024! Thanks to all committee members!

Received the Stevens Excellence Doctoral Award.


My Ph.D. Calendar:

April 2024 - Passed my thesis defense.

May 2023 - Been selected for the Stevens Excellence Doctoral Fellowship for the 2023-24 academic year.

May 2023 - Passed the thesis proposal defense.

Apr 2023 - One paper studying robust learning sparse PTFs got accepted to ICML 2023.

Jan 2023 - One paper studying crowdsourced PAC learning got accepted to AISTATS 2023.

Sep 2022 - One paper studying robust sparse mean estimation got accepted to NeurIPS 2022. October: travel grant received.

May 2022 - One paper studying crowdsourced PAC learning got accepted to ICML 2022. June: travel grant received.

Feb 2022 - Received the Early-career AMS-NSF-Simons-ICM Travel Grant to participate in ICM2022 in Saint Petersburg. (ICM went virtual).

Research Seminar:

The machine learning theory seminar is paused for now.


I enjoy dancing as a hobby, for which I was active in Hong Kong and New York City from 2013 to 2020. It teaches me hard-working is the key to any achievement.

Meanwhile, I play ultimate frisbee to keep myself physically active.