H B Kekre, V. A. Bharadi, P. Roongta, S. Khandelwal, V. I. Singh, S.Gupta, “Online signature recognition using Kekre's vector quantization algorithms KMCG & KFCG”, ICWET 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4503-0449-8

S. Gupta, ”Malware its Types &Protection from These Malware “, Multicon-W - 2013, ISBN:( 978-0-9884925-3-0), Feb 2013.

S. Gupta, ”Rasberry PI Internet Radio”, MULTICON-W, ISBN: 978-0-9884925-4-7, Feb 2014.

S. Gupta, ”Data Mining Techniques for CRM”, MULTICON-W, ISBN: 978-0- 9884925-4-7, Feb 2014.

S. Gupta, ”Singular Value Decomposition for Image Classification”, MULTICONW,ISBN: 978-0-9884925-4-7, Feb 2014.

A.Patil, S. Gupta “Review on Sentiment Analysis Approaches”, Multicon-W, ISSN: 2249-0868, Feb 2015.

S. Gupta “Role of games in engineering education”, ISBN: 978098849255, Multicon W Feb 2015.

R. Sedamkar, S. Gupta, “A novel idea of video cryptography using hybrid cryptographic approaches”, ICICT, Jul 2016.

S. Gupta, K. Bhandari “Generating cryptographic keys for AES encryption from Fingerprint Biometrics”, ISBN 978-0-9884925-6-1, ICCCV Feb 2016.

S. Gupta, “User authentication using a smart phone’s accelerometer for gesture recognition”, ISBN 978-0-9884925-6-1, ICCCV Feb 2016.

S. Gupta, “Slant Identification for curved strokes in online signatures”, ISBN 978-0-9884925-6-1, ICCCV Feb 2016.

S. Gupta, “Next Generation Chrome – Android OS hybrid platform”, ISBN 978-0-9884925-6-1, ICCCV Feb 2016.

R. R. Sedamkar, S. Gupta, “A novel idea of video encryption using hybrid cryptographic techniques”, ICICT, Jul 2016. DOI: 10.1109/INVENTIVE.2016.7830094, 26 Jan 2017. IEEE conference.

R. Bhandari, Shiwani Gupta, “Fusing Iris and Fingerprint Biometrics to enhance security”, ICCCV, Feb 2017.

S. Gupta, “An efficient keyword search technique using novel algorithm by preserving privacy”, ICCCV, Feb 2017.

S. Gupta, “A privacy preserving framework for large scale content based information retrieval”, ICCCV, Feb 2017.

T. Shaikh, S. Gupta, “Query Reformulation using Spatio Temporal Information”, TMH, CSTDE Feb 2018.

S. Gupta, “Fake product review monitoring and removal”, CRTCE Feb 2018.

S. Gupta, “Commodity Search Engine for Online Shopping Using Web Datasets”, CRTCE Feb 2018.

S. Gupta, “Privacy Challenges in Internet of Things Applications”, CRTCE Feb 2018.

Shiwani Gupta, “Smart dustbin for segregation of wet and dry waste”, ICISCN 2019.

Shiwani Gupta, “Heart disease classification using optimized Machine Learning algorithm”, ICISCN 2019.

Shiwani Gupta, "Comparing techniques for imputing missing values on Framingham dataset" International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking IC-ICN, Feb 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, "System to predict stock prices using ML and NLP", International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking IC-ICN, Feb 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, System to efficiently chose machine learning algorithms and performance measures according to use case, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking IC-ICN, Feb 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, Machine Learning for Cancer Prediction, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking IC-ICN, Feb 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, Segregation of wet and dry waste using Deep Learning, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking IC-ICN, Feb 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, Data Science and Behavior Analysis to predict results of engineering graduates, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking IC-ICN, Feb 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, Phishing detection using Machine Learning – A review, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking IC-ICN, Feb 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, Dr. B. K. Mishra. TCET Holistic Student development model – A case study, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking IC-ICN, Feb 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, Quantum Computing to enhance performance of ML algorithm, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking IC-ICN, Feb 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, Design of Intrusion Detection System using Convolutional Neural Network and Raspberry Pi, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking IC-ICN, Feb 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, Movie Recommendation system through Movie poster using Deep Learning technique, E conference on Data Science and Intelligent Computing, Nov 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, Sentiment Analysis of Covid-19 tweets, E conference on Data Science and Intelligent Computing, Nov 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, Generalized Approach for Accurate Breast Cancer Diagnosis, E conference on Data Science and Intelligent Computing, Nov 2020.

Shiwani Gupta, Photo realistic face images generation from textual description using GAN, ICICN, Feb 2021

Shiwani Gupta, Design of Video Surveillance system using Neural Networks, Strad Research, Vol 8 Issue 1, 426-435, Jan 2021

Shiwani Gupta, “Automated Essay Grading System using a hybrid model of Natural Language Processing and Neural Network Approach”, Multicon IC-ICN-2021.

Shiwani Gupta, “Semantic similarity and autonomous tagging on Q&A forum”, ECDSIC 2021.

Shiwani Gupta, “Intelligent Video Surveillance System for Real-time Crowd Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques”, ECDSIC 2021.

Shiwani Gupta, “Semantic similarity and autonomous tagging on Q&A forum”, MulticonW, Feb 2022.

Shiwani Gupta, “Intelligent Video Surveillance System for Real-time Crowd Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques”, MulticonW Feb 2022.

Shiwani Gupta, “An intelligent voice assistant engineered to assist the visually impaired”, MulticonW Feb 2022.

Shiwani Gupta, “Automated short answer evaluation using Natural language Processing and Lemmatization”, Equinox 2022, 7th International Conference on Engineering Research and Innovations Scopus, Web of Science.