Dr. Shiva Ram Male, M.S, PhD (Optometry & Vision Sciences), PG.Dipl(Cyber laws &IPR) -University of Hyderabad, PostDoc(SERI-Harvard Medical School, USA).

Dr.Shiva Ram Male graduated from the School of Medical Sciences with a PhD and an Integrated-M. Sc in (Optometry & Vision Sciences). He also has a Postgraduate Diploma in Cyber Laws and Intellectual Property Rights from CDVL, University of Hyderabad and a Clinical Optometry internship from LVPEI-Hyderabad. His PhD thesis focuses on the Problem of colour vision and its relationship to culture, cognition, and quality of life, which received the best PhD Thesis- Prof Krothapalli Ravindranath Gold medal from the University of Hyderabad. After completing his PhD in March 2023, Shiva Joined as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the world's prestigious Harvard Medical School, Schepens Eye Research Institute-MEEI under Dr. Alex Bowers at Vision Rehabilitation Lab in Boston, MA.

I also received prestigious fellowships i.e., International Color Vision Society- Summer School Fellowship in (Aug - 2023)  at Pembroke College, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, ARVO- foundation Global Mentorship under Padmashree. Prof. Dr Natarajan Sundaram in Retinal diseases in Dec-2022 and Indian Academy of Science (IASC – INSA – NASI) - Summer Fellowship, (July - 2018) in Neurobiology at Swami Rama Himalayan University, Jolly Grant, Dehradun.