Shivani Wadehra

I am an Assistant Professor at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun. Prior to this, I was at the Ashoka University, Sonepat and the Indian Statistical Institute in Delhi. I am a part of Center for research on Economics of Climate, Food, Energy and Environment in Economics and Planning Unit at ISI Delhi. 

My research delves into various aspects of waste management, segregation at source, incentives for increasing plastic collection by the informal sector, weeding out toxins in plastics recycling, harmful effects of living next to landfills. I have run experiments in Delhi, Haryana and Bangladesh to understand the nitty gritties related to segregation at source. 

I have received grants in the past from IGC, India, IGC Bangladesh, SANDEE and EfD.

Email id: shivani.wadehra[at]ddn[dot]upes[dot]ac[dot]in