To Be Continued ....

**Please Note All the Below projects are published publicly on GitHub.

**GitHub Link-

**Some of the below apps are also coded in Obj C, while most of the apps are in Swift, and Developed using Xcode. 

Guess Color 

An interactive Game of Guessing the Colour from their RGB components with 3 different levels of difficulty to choose from. 

Temperature Calculator

Simple temperature converter app from Fahrenheit to Celsius and Vise Versa, try it out by clicking github link. 


Calculator with Conversions like Currency Converter, Length, Area, Volume, Temperature, Speed, Time, Mass for IOS. 

DoodleBug App

Fully featured Doodle Drawing Application with RGB color, opacity and brush size adjustment sliders available in the settings menu.

Roll The Dice

Randomly Roll the Dice either select one or two dice to be thrown, can be used while playing Monopoly Board Game. 

Swipe As Told

Swipe Quickly as instructed, for each correct swipe you get 1 point, for each wrong swipe 1 point gets deducted. 


Reaction Game, Two cards are generated randomly on the screen, click as soon as both the card matches and points are increased or decreased based on the correctness of your clicks.

Shake Me Silly

Shake the device to get points, with an animated smiley changes position along with the points. 

Traffic Signal

Press the Stop button as soon as the Signal turns green, get the grade based on your click timings. 

Tap Me Fast

Press the Tap button to get points, points increases by 1 for each tap, get the grade based on points. 

Android Apps

Lion Or Tiger?

Tic Tac Tow Game For Android in the form of Player1 as Lion and Player2 as Tiger with little animations.

Projects to learn things :) Not So Big Apps

Simple Calculator Simple Calculator to learn the basics of layout constraints and programming in Swift Language.