Welcome!  I am Shin-young KIM. My main interest is Complex geometry (around algebraic geometry and differential geometry using Lie groups and Lie algebras). I got my PhD at Seoul National University. After, I was at Seoul, Brno, Grenoble, Pohang and currently, I am a post-doctorial researcher at Yonsei University.

Academic Position

                  shinyoung.kim at ewha.ac.krshinyoungkim at ibs.re.kr

Research Interest

Academic Status

             2017 Simon's Semester Postdocs at Banach Center (Symmetry and Geometric Structures), Warsaw

             Thesis: "Geometric structures modeled after smooth projective horospherical varieties of Picard number one" (Advisor: Jaehyen Hong)

Un bon mathématicien semble définir et développer un domaine de mathématiques avec une profonde réflexion. Nous respectons ces mathématiciens et voulons leur ressembler.

Attending Seminars

Organizing Conference

Hosting seminars at CGP (with Jihun Park, from 2019 to 2023)