Shinjini Chattopadhyay

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I study global literatures from the early twentieth century to the contemporary. My current book project, Plurabilties of the City, analyzes modernist and postcolonial cosmopolitanism in India, Ireland, and Britain. It investigates how postcolonialism inherits the legacies of modernist cosmopolitanism and then challenges and expands it by drawing attention to the cultural affiliations of historically marginalized communities. I juxtapose the varied forms of metropolitan cosmopolitanism in London, Dublin, and Kolkata in both modernist and postcolonial novels. Examining the works of Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Bernardine Evaristo, Nabarun Bhattacharya, and Melatu Uche Okorie, I argue that cosmopolitanism, instead of imposing homogenizing global trends, preserves cultural distinctiveness and creates meaningful intercultural dialogues. I integrate my research into my teaching by building an inclusive, anti-racist, and decolonial pedagogy.
I completed my PhD from the Department of English, University of Notre Dame. I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA.
email: schattop "at" unc "dot" edu