5. Ghoṣadatta


Then the Bhagavān told Candraprabha:


“In the remote past, immeasurable, limitless, inconceivable, incalculable kalpas ago, there was a Buddha called Ghoṣadatta Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-saṃbuddha, Perfect in Knowledge and Conduct, Sugata, Knower of the World, Unsurpassed, Tamer of Humans, Teacher of Devas and Humans, Buddha, Bhagavān. 


“O Youth! At that time, in the first assembly of the Tathāgata Ghoṣadatta, Arhat, Samyak-saṃbuddha, there were eight billion śrāvakas who were all arhats, who had ended their effluents, attained their own benefit, and ended their bondage to existence, they relied on the true teaching and their minds are well liberated, they were able to attain complete mental freedom. In the second assembly, there were seven billion, and in the third assembly, there were six billion who had ended their effluents, attained their own benefit, and ended their bondage to existence, they relied on the true teaching, and their minds are well liberated, they were able to attain complete mental freedom


"O Youth! At that time, the lifespan of that buddha was forty thousand years. At that time, the continent of Jambudvīpa was peaceful, prosperous, and happy, and the people were prosperous and healthy. 


"O Youth! At that time, there were two great kings in Jambudvīpa, named Dṛḍhabala and Mahābala. Each of these kings ruled over half of Jambudvīpa. The lands of these two kings were peaceful, prosperous, and happy, and the people were healthy and strong. At that time, the Tathāgata Ghoṣadatta appeared in the world in the kingdom of Mahābala.


"O Youth! Then King Mahābala invited the Tathāgata Ghoṣadatta and his bhikṣus to stay for a full one thousand years and made offerings to them of all kinds of fine and pure clothing, food and drink, bedding, and medicine.


"O Youth! The Tathāgata Ghoṣadatta and his śrāvakas were greatly honoured and praised.


"At that time, there were householders and brāhmaṇas of pure faith who, having aroused a courageous intention to serve the Tathāgata Ghoṣadatta and his śrāvaka saṅgha, practised offerings with King Mahābala, thinking that worldly wealth was the best offering. Those people did not know how to make offerings. How does one make offerings? One observes the five precepts and the eight precepts, renounces family life, goes to the Buddha, approaches him, asks questions, and realises profound patience at dharmas.


"O Youth! At that time, Ghoṣadatta Tathāgata thought this:


'These sentient beings are inferior in their aspirations and dispositions. They are unable to accept and uphold the five precepts and eight precepts, to leave home to visit the Buddha, to approach him and ask questions, to see the profound truth, to cultivate the holy life, to be serene and detached, to receive the complete set of precepts, to attain the state of a bhikṣu, or to accept and practice the ultimate roots of goodness. They have left behind all such peaceful and happy conditions and unsurpassed, wonderful happiness, and instead, they make offerings to me with worldly goods. These sentient beings only wish for a little happiness, thinking it is the ultimate happiness. These sentient beings value only dharmas of the present life and dharmas of the afterlife and are unable to value ultimate roots of goodness. What is meant by valuing dharmas of the present life? It means to enjoy the pleasures of the five senses. What is meant by valuing dharmas of the afterlife? It means to delight in rebirth in heaven. What are their ultimate roots of goodness? They are ultimate purity, ultimate goodness, ultimate noble conduct, ultimate exhaustion, ultimate completion, and ultimate nirvana. I shall now expound a Dharma to cause these beings to make offerings to me, not as ultimate supreme offerings of goods, but as unsurpassed offerings of conduct.


"O Youth! At that time, the Tathāgata Ghoṣadatta uttered the following gāthā in order to awaken King Mahābala and the householders and brāhmaṇas:


'If one practices the giving of food and wealth,
One will not be respected by others.
If one does such things that should not be praised,
One will be far removed from the Buddhas and the wise. 


If one teaches the wisdom of no-self,
One should serve such excellent people.
If one’s faith in the noble truth is unshakable,
One will be praised by the Buddhas for serving them. 


If one gives food and wealth,
One will gain only a small benefit in the present.
If one can stay away from such giving,
One will perfect the practice of renouncing the world. 


If one can give rise to the thought of having no wealth,
And can teach the Dharma of having no wealth,
And can have pure faith in having no wealth,
One will quickly attain the unsurpassed bodhi. 


If one has no abode in the five desires,
And is attached to one’s wife and children,
One is an ordinary fool who always remains at home.
If one can end one’s afflictions, 


If one dislikes the five desires as if they were a pit of fire,
One will be able to give up attachment to one’s wife and children.
If one fears the household life and seeks to leave it behind,
One will attain superior bodhi without difficulty. 


There have been no tathāgatas in the past,
Nor those in the present, nor those in the future,
Who have always lived at home in the realm of desire,
And yet have been able to attain the superior, wondrous path. 


If one abandons one’s royal position as if it were spittle,
And will dwell in remote, empty places;
If one cuts off afflictions and subjugates māras,
One will awaken to and understand the stainless, unconditioned path. 


If there are heroes in the world as numerous as the sands of the Ganges,
And one makes offerings to them for thousands of myriads of koṭis of years,
If one can become disgusted with the household life,
Such merit is supreme. 


It is not by offering food and drink, clothing,
Or beautiful flowers, incense, or perfumes
To the Buddha
That one can practice the Dharma like a renunciant. 


If one who aspires to bodhi
Can benefit sentient beings and turn away from the world,
Then if they take seven steps toward a quiet place,
Such merit is the highest reward.'


"O Youth! After hearing the Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-saṁbuddha Ghoṣadatta describe the benefits of renouncing family life in this way, King Mahābala thought:


'As I understand the meaning of the Buddha’s teaching, the Tathāgata does not teach that the dāna pāramitā is the ultimate purity, the ultimate good fortune, the ultimate noble life, the ultimate exhaustion, the ultimate conclusion, or the ultimate nirvāṇa.'


"King Mahābala then thought:


'It is not possible to gain the unsurpassed benefits of the unsurpassed practice of renouncing family life while living at home. I now will distance myself from this practice. I will now shave my hair and beard, don the yellow robe, and renounce family life to pursue the path.'


"O Youth! Then the king, accompanied by eighty thousand people, went to the Buddha Ghoṣadatta, bowed at his feet, circled him to the right three times, and sat to one side. 


"O Youth! Then the Buddha Ghoṣadatta, knowing the aspiration of King Mahābala and his people, expounded and explained to them the samādhi of the equality and nondiscrimination of the essence of all dharmas.


"O Youth! When King Mahābala heard this samādhi, he rejoiced and danced for joy, and his heart was profoundly delighted. He immediately abandoned his royal position in the presence of the Buddha Ghoṣadatta and renounced the world with true faith. He shaved his hair and beard and donned the three Dharma robes. After renouncing the world, he extensively listened to this meditation, took it up it, read and recited it, bore it, analysed its meaning, and put it into practice. Because of this root of goodness, he did not fall into the evil realms for two hundred million kalpas. He then met two hundred million buddhas in succession and always renounced the world in the Dharma of each of these buddhas. Under each buddha he heard this samādhi, recited it, analysed its meaning, and put it into practice. Because of these roots of goodness he eventually attained buddhahood after a full one hundred million kalpas. He was called Jñānaśūra, a Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-saṃbuddha, Perfect in Knowledge and Conduct, Sugata, Knower of the World, Unsurpassed, Tamer of Humans, Teacher of Devas and Humans, Buddha, Bhagavān. He benefitted innumerable, limitless sentient beings and afterwards entered parinirvāṇa. O Youth! You should observe that this samādhi has this supernormal power that can cause bodhisattvas to attain Buddha-wisdom.


"O Youth! The king Mahābala and the eighty thousand people who were with him, having heard this samādhi, rejoiced and danced for joy, and their minds were very happy. They all followed the king into homelessness with true faith, shaved their hair and beards, and donned the Dharma robes. Those who had gone forth, having heard this samādhi, recited it, took it up and bore it, explained it in detail, and practised it in accordance with it, on account of this root of goodness did not fall into the evil realms for two hundred million kalpas. In each kalpa, they met ten million buddhas, and always went forth from home in the presence of those buddhas. After they had gone forth from home they heard this samādhi, recited it, took it up and bore it, and cultivated and abided by it. On account of these root of goodness, they later attained buddhahood in different worlds for a full hundred thousand kalpas. They were all equally named Dṛḍhaśūra, Tathāgata, Arhat, Samya-saṃbuddha, Perfect in Knowledge and Conduct, Sugata, Knower of the World, Unsurpassed, Tamer of Humans, Teacher of Devas and Humans, Buddha, Bhagavān. Having benefited innumerable sentient beings, they entered nirvana without remainder.


"O Youth! This samādhi has great power and can cause bodhisattvas to attain anuttara-samyak-saṃbodhi."


Thereupon the Bhagavān, wishing to reiterate the meaning of this further, spoke this gāthā


"I remember that in the distant past,
Inconceivable kalpas ago, there appeared a buddha
Who was able to benefit sentient beings.
He was called Ghoṣadatta, the great ṛṣi. 


His first assembly consisted of a full eight koṭis of disciples,
All śrāvakas.
His second assembly consisted of seven koṭis,
And his third assembly consisted of six koṭis of arhats. 


All of them had exhausted the effluents and ended their afflictions
And had attained the other shore through their supernormal powers.
The lifespan of this buddha was forty thousand years,
And his world was exceedingly pure.


At that time there were two kings in Jambudvīpa,
Whose names were Mahābala and Dṛḍhabala.
The lands ruled by these two kings
Each spanned half Jambudvīpa. 


When the Buddha appeared in the land of the king Mahābala,
He was honoured by the most excellent humans and devas.
The king gained pure faith in the Buddha
And honoured and worshipped him for a full thousand years. 


The people of the land, who were innumerable, followed the king
And made various offerings to the Tathāgata.
They only made offerings of worldly riches and not of the Dharma,
And the Buddha and his śrāvakas were all wealthy.


Then the Bhagavān thought, 

'If I teach this Dharma to make him give up his desires,
That will surely cause the king to give rise to dissatisfaction
And leave the household life in my Dharma.' 


Then, that Bhagavān spoke the stanzas: 

'Giving up evil dharmas is the Buddha’s teaching.
Those who live at home have many faults and experience much suffering.
Those who practice in accordance with the Dharma make true offerings to the Buddha.'


When the king heard these verses spoken,
He went alone to an empty place and thought, 

'I cannot now remain in the bondage of a householder,
But I will make offerings to the supreme Dharma.'


He immediately abandoned his royal position as if he were spitting saliva,
And together with eighty thousand of his attendants
They all went to where the Buddha was at once.
They bowed their heads and stood before the Bhagavān. 


The Buddha knew their aspirations and desires
And immediately expounded to them the samādhi of quiescence, which is difficult to see.
When they heard it, they were affectionate, respectful, and delighted.
They were all joyful and immediately went forth. 


After they had gone forth,
They recited, received, and extensively analyzed this samādhi.
For the next two koṭis of kalpas,
They never again fell into the three evil realms.


Through these good karmas
Those people immediately saw a hundred billion Tathāgatas.
They immediately renounce family life in the Dharma of those Buddhas
And immediately expound such a superior samādhi. 


They later attained buddhahood
And all were equally called Dṛḍhaśūra.
They immediately benefitted immeasurable hundreds of billions of sentient beings.
They then directly enter nirvāṇa, like a fire that has been extinguished. 


At that time, in the past, King Mahābala
Long ago attained buddhahood and was called Jñānaśūra.
He immediately benefited immeasurable hundreds of billions of sentient beings.
He then directly entered nirvāṇa after establishing them in bodhi. 


Having heard of such superior benefits,
Then, in the future, if one will bear the sūtras praised by the Buddhas,
And can uphold the Dharma Treasury of the Buddha,
They will immediately become supreme among humans.