2. Śalendrarāja

Source Text (Translated from Chinese)

Overall Teaching

The Buddha informs Candraprabha that in a past life, he was a cakravartin named Bhīṣmottara, who for countless kalpas venerated successive buddhas on Vulture Peak and learnt this sūtra from each of them, with the last buddha being Śālendrarāja. He explains that serving the buddhas in such a manner is essential for achieving buddhahood and that future adherents of this sūtra will be reborn in Sukhāvatī.



According to Thrangu Rinpoche, this chapter highlights the importance of devotion, respect, and trust in one's guru, as illustrated by the Buddha's own practices in his past life. These teachings underscore the critical role of these qualities in cultivating samadhi and achieving enlightenment, as reflected in the Vajrayana practice of Mahamudra, where similar devotion and practices like guru yoga are emphasized to accumulate merit and advance spiritually. He says that devotion is like the "head" of one's practice, one cannot progress without it. Moreover, even if we do not possess countless things to offer, we can visualise them (e.g. offering the whole world in a gurumaṇḍala offering). This is the "preliminary practice."
