14. The Buddha's Smile

Source Text (Translated from the Chinese)

Overall Teaching

Candraprabha praises the Buddha's teaching on the equality of all dharmas and its potential for rapid awakening. He asks if the Buddha will accept his offering, which the Buddha does, causing miraculous events. Maitreya Bodhisattva, seeing the Buddha smile, asks for its reason, praising the Buddha's virtues.



Thrangu Rinpoche does not provide much commentary for Chapter 14, primarily summarising its contents. He emphasises that the Buddha's previous teachings gave Candraprabha great devotion and faith and that a Buddha never smiles without a reason.


This chapter, being mostly narrative, does not necessarily require extensive discussion. The main takeaway appears to be that much faith was inspired in Candraprabha—thus, as we do not have a Buddha teaching us directly, we can consider to what extent we find that our faith in the Dharma is based on experiences or listening to or reading the Dharma.