18. The Entrustment of the Samādhi

Source Text (Translated from the Chinese)

Overall Teaching

Upholding, reading, reciting, and explaining the sutra to others leads to profound spiritual benefits, including 1. perfected merit, 2. protection, 3. wisdom, and 4. eloquence, and ensures future positive rebirths. Practitioners are encouraged to maintain virtuous conduct and devotion to the Buddha's teachings, while those who violate ethical precepts are warned of the consequences. The chapter underscores the importance of dedication and resilience in spreading the Dharma and emphasises the deep karmic connections beings may have to this sutra's teachings.



In Thrangu Rinpoche's commentary, he reviews the four qualities of upholding this sūtra, adding:

i. Being fearless concerning abandonment (i.e., knowing that one has fully abandoned defects without fear).

ii. Fearlessness at one's own attainment (i.e., conviction that one has really attained the samādhi taught by the Buddha).

iii. Fearlessness in the face of an attack or objection when teaching the Dharma, because one knows what one has realised directly.

iv. Fearlessness in declaring the obstacles to the path of liberation, even when devas or māras declare it to be otherwise.
