Shindo Lab
Department of Biological Sciences
The University of Osaka
Laboratory of Organ Morphoregulation
Developmental Biology x Morphogenesis x Environment
Function Follows Shape: The Beauty of Maximized Function
Function follows shape refers to the elegance inherent in forms designed to optimize their function. Our bodies exemplify this concept, composed of organs and tissues that showcase this principle. The formation of these "shapes" involves the precise orchestration of individual cells during development. However, much of the process remains shrouded in mystery—what directs the cells, and how do they consistently form correctly functioning structures?
We aim to unravel these mechanisms using the embryos and tadpoles of the African clawed frog. Our research focuses on understanding how cells create and maintain their form while adeptly navigating environmental stresses.
・Updated News(2024.10.1). Registration Open! Join us for the 1st Asian Xenopus Conference in Osaka! News