Kurenai (紅)

Age: Adult

Gender: Woman

Height: 6'2 without heels, 6'5 with

Weight: A few tons

Birthday: November 14

PersonalityThe only robot girl of her model type. She shows and feels no emotion, as she lacks the capability to do so. She can talk to other robots and even electronics like toasters and televisions, but she doesn't care for humans. She is observant of her surroundings and likes to describe them. 

She is Black and Japanese.

Kurenai has six derivatives: Venus, Moon, Star, Nibiru, Neptune, and Vesta.

Kurenai is a lesbian.

UTAU Colors Theme

Standing Images Download

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Integrated Normal VBs for OpenUTAU

Difference Between The Kurenai Characters

Concept Sheets

Normal series

Sample 1, 2, 3

Standing Image Illustration: Miyo


≫ A3, C4, F4, B4

≫ Powerscale

Sample 1, 2, 3

Sound Setting: comorybxtoStanding Image Illustration: Miyo


≫ F3, A3, D4, G4, C5, F5 + weak and strong (G4,C5,F5) sets

Natural + Melodic

Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: Ch3rrybub


A3, D4, G4, C5



Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: XZENVII


A3, D4, G4, C5

≫ Whisper

(temporarily discontinued)


Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: Miyo


A3, D4, G4, C5

≫ Sweet

(temporarily discontinued)

Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: SunnyPoppy


A3, D4, G4, C5,F5 (F5 from Earth's strong set)

≫ Power

Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: Kkamcho


A3, D#4, G#4, C5

≫ Solid

Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: Kkamcho

≫ Korean CVVC

A3, D4, G4, C5

≫ Slight Powerscale

2nd Normal series


Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: Liure


≫ D4, G4

≫ Cutesy

(temporarily discontinued)

Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: Liure

≫ CV

A3, D4, G4


Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: _nanauu


≫ A3, F4, A4


Derivative series

Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: Liure


≫ C4, F4, A4

≫ Playful

She is a patronizing nurse who talks down to patients. She is incapable of being kind; everything she says is backhanded. She is a bisexual. (she/her)

Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: Vieri


C4, F4, A4

≫ Energetic

She is a cheeky ringmaster who's forte is entertainment. She is a lesbian. (she/her)

Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: Uncreepy


C4, F4, B4

≫ Smiling

She is a nun who is soft spoken yet she speaks severely to those who don't believe in Faith. (she/her)

Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: CoffeeCat12, Liam_Leech


C4, F4, A4

≫ Cute

She is an extremely shy and neurotic girl with lovesickness. She is a bisexual. (she/her)

Nibiru /二ビル

Sample 1, 2

Character Design: MochikoraStanding Image Illustration: heta-tan


C4, F4, A4

≫ Laughing

He is a clown who is loud and inappropriately laughs at everything. He is bigender; he identifies as a man and a woman. (she/him)

(temporarily discontinued)

Sample 1, 2

Standing Image Illustration: Curry


≫ C4, F4, B4


She is a maid who is quiet and gentle. She has a sharp tongue, so don't get on her bad side. She is a bisexual.