I am an economist in the research department of Hong Kong Monetary Authority. I completed my PhD at the University of Glasgow in 2018.

I do both theoretical and empirical work. My research interests include Macroeconomics, International Economics & Finance, and Growth.

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Working papers and work in progress

Verified climate action in equity transition finance, 2024

US monetary policies and their international spillovers, 2023

“How much do CIP deviations matter?”: CIP deviations widened significantly since the GFC, how much does such development matter to the macro-economy?

“Seignorage and the optimal fiscal-monetary policy”: low interest rates on government debt generate large seignorage revenue. The resulting gap between the market value of debt and the present value of primary surplus could change the classic view about the fiscal and monetary policy interaction.

On the sluggish recovery from financial crises, 2019