Hello! My name is Shibashis Mukhopadhyay. I am a second year Ph.D. student in the Department of Mathematics at Washington University in St Louis, MO.  You can reach me at m.shibashis at wustl.edu. My preferred pronouns are he/him.

I am broadly interested in Algebraic Geometry.

Before coming to WashU, I was an undergrad at Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, India from 2019-2022 where I mostly studied math and (some) theoretical computer science.

Here is my CV 

E-mail: m [dot] shibashis [at] wustl [dot] edu

Alternate e-mail: shibashis2017  [at]  gmail  [dot] com

I am very happy to talk about math, so hit me up if you have something you think I might find interesting!