Shibal Ibrahim
PhD Candidate in Machine Learning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


I’m a final-year PhD candidate in Machine Learning in Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I am interested in full-time roles in ML Software Engineering / Research Scientist starting July 2024.

I have extensive experience in machine learning for developing models and algorithms for 

I have a proven track record of publications that highlight creative thought in developing novel research ideas, design of experiments and academic writing. My research has been recognized with Best Student Paper Award in Research Track in KDD'22 and Outstanding Student Paper Highlight Award in AISTATS'24.

I have been lucky to be advised by Rahul Mazumder during my PhD at MIT. I was an Intern (Summer'20) / part-time Student Researcher (Spring'21) at Google Research (NY). Before that, I did my Masters at MIT (SM'18), and Bachelors at LUMS (BS'14, Gold Medalist), where I worked on power management solutions for power electronics. My CV is available here.