And yf Sir Owen Mac Cartie were also appoynted to remayne in Englande and his twoe sonnes with him, tyll the worlde be quyeter, ytwere a happie turne for this ende of Irelande; for assuredlie, my Lord, although Sir Owen be aymple in shewe, yet is he a verey ipocryte, and one that carrieth as cankerd a mynd towardes English Goverment as anie one of them, yf he durste shewe it, &c. And chiefelie yf the marriage of Florence McCartie maie be undone, and she marryed to some English Gentlemen by the Queen's appoyntment; whereby her father maie be (by him that shall marrie her) dyrected to governe his countrie accordinge to the lawes of this realm, which is the daungereste countrie for forraine invasyon to attempte, that appertayneth to this realm.37

Where the toun and porte of Bristowe...buildyng quykest in occupiyng of marchaunt men...and your subjettes thereaboutes dwellyng well sat awerk and had good...and weale of that quarter of your Highnes Realme, and that...lord, that by reason of certain abuses a large quarter of the...principall places and stretes to the nombre of nyne hundred houses and above is clerely fallen down, the grasse growyng in the streetes, beyng moche of the residue in great decaye and inhabited with poore people veray like in breve tyme and space...onles by your most gracious Highnes and your honourable Counsail some good order shuld be taken for reformacion of the same. Your most humble and obeydent subjettes the Maire, his breder, the Shirriffes and commynaltie of your said town of Bristowe have thought it their most bounder duetyes to declare and shewe unto your most gracious Highnes as nere as they can the veray occasions of the said ruyn and what thinges in thair myndes and opynyons is most necessary for them and leest cost to your Highnes, to make sute for unto the same your Majestye for restauracion of your said toun and relef of your subjettes ther as folowyth, most humbly and lowly besechyng your Majesty of your most gracious benignite and disposition to have gracious respect and regard unto the same, for surely onles your said orators shalbe releved in this behalf by your especiall and habundant grace, they shall not in any wise be hable for a small season to beir the charges of the offices ther auncyently used but rather shalbe constreyned utterly to abandon and forsake the same toune, not onely to the distruccion therof and desolacion of the contrey, but also to the utter undoyng of your said subjettes.

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substanciall and wer chosen to be maires, shirriffes and bailliffes of the said toun and hable to beire the charges without beyng constreyned to take the extreme towle due unto the toun, but gave a great part therof, so that all maner straungers wer glad and desirous dailly to resorte thidder with thair shippes and otherwise to bye and sell their merchandise which was to the great proffit and avauntage of the occupyers there, than and so longe the said toun was in great welthe and prosperite. And when it was so that the husbondmen and other imperfict persons in the science of clothe making, dwellyng in villages in the contrey fell and begun to make clothe of the woolles of their own growyng and ingroced other wolles amongest thair neibours in soche wise as the clothiers of your said toun could gett no wolle but at unreasonable prices, the same clothiers wer compelled of necessitie to leave their occupyyng and to forsake the said toun seking worke abrod, which was oon of the greatest causes of desolacion of the said toun. And so the said toune yerely fallyng more and more into ruyn and decaye for want of the substanciall nombre of clothiers as afore ther wer, fewe hable to beire the charges of the offices of Maier or Shirriffes but marchaunt men, grocers, mercers, haberdashers, whittawers, brewers and tanners, by whose occupying the meane sorte of people, as dyers, spynsters, fullers, tukkers and suche other as afore, had no proffit or lyvyng. And at this day, by reason the marchaunt men daylly have and have had so great losse in the sale of their clothes beyond the see, which is onely by reason of the untrue and false making therof, having had great losses upon the see as well by pirattes as other mysfortunes; and by reason of the premisses and of the smale trade and occupying of merchandise of so longe tyme to the said toun and the importune charges belongyng to the same offices over and besides the fee ferme of your Highnes which is yerely a hundred, fifty and twoo pounces and ten shillinges, your said pore subjectes be not hable to sustene the same, the said shirreffes thereby beyng constrayned to take the uttermost tolles and customes belongyng to the toun, so that by reason therof and other great charges in customes and other demaundes taken of straungers and other, more ther than in other places nere adjoyning to the said toun, the marchauntes straungers do refuse thidder to reasort. Which inconveniences be like yerely to be worse and worse, except your Highnes most gracious favour, helpe and socour be mercifully shewed for the relief of yor said pore subjectes in this thair necessite, havyng no other refuge, ayde or helpe but onely of your Highnes. e24fc04721

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