Sherman Higher Education Fund

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

Since our inception in 1960, THE SHERMAN HIGHER EDUCATION FUND (SHEF) has helped Sherman students achieve their higher education goals by awarding grants, loans, and scholarships. In 2021, we gave more than $17,000 to Sherman students to help further their education. This was possible by the ongoing community support of thoughtful Sherman residents like you who generously answer our once-a-year call for donations. We thank you!


ROSEMARIE BOUTON AWARD -- Four Sherman middle school students who contribute in a unique way to the school community.

GUIDO TINO AWARD -- Sherman School student that emulates Guido Tino’s dedication to Sherman.

MERIT SCHOLAR AWARD -- Sherman public high school student with the highest GPA.

ANAH MUNCH AWARD -- A Sherman student attending an accredited college pursuing a career in Nursing or Teaching. This requires an essay.

MARY HADLOW SCHOLARSHIP -- A Sherman student attending an accredited college who best emulates a commitment to his/her community. This award requires an essay.

TJ LOBRAICO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP -- A Sherman student attending an accredited college who demonstrate an understanding service before self. This award requires an essay.

SHERMAN HIGHER EDUCATION FUND GRANT PROGRAM -- Any Sherman resident pursuing higher education qualifies for a SHEF grant as long he or she can show town residency and proof of acceptance into a higher education institution. The grant amount is determined annually by the number of applications and the total contributions received.

For more information please contact us at


All applications are Google Doc links. Please print the application from the provided link. Once you've completed the application submit it with the necessary documentation by May 1st.

SHEF partners with The TJ Lobraico Foundation - Live for TJ to provide a scholarship in memory and honor of an outstanding Sherman resident.