I started na kuacha pombe and before i knew it hata hao wasichana na sherehe nikasare kabisa. For most men, alcohol is the precursor to fucking whores. They go hand in hand and thats why all brothels serve alcohol. Most of those whores are so hideous to the point u need beer goggles. Many men would not contemplate fucking whores while 100% sober.

Finally, ikifika ni usherati, sherehe ama pombe hakuna kitu kama kitu moderation. U are either in or out. U are either doing it or not. BTW Money is the last thing u should worry about ikifika ni usherati. Money comes and goes. What should really worry u is what that lifestyle does to your inner psyche, mental health and physical wellbeing. U can always make more money but nothing can fix a fucked up life when your poor choices eventually catch up with you. Because trust me, they will. My advice? Quit it completely while u still can. Nothing good ever comes alcohol or whores.

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It was not an technically an addiction, its not like singeishi bila kupiga sherehe na kutomba waschana. It was just a destructive behavorial pattern that most men in their 20s and 30s partake in as soon they start making a bit of cash. Thats the reason pubs and sex dens are mushrooming all over

You start by pushing all extra cash in a fixed account that does not have ATM access. Once u get paid, settle your arrears, then just keep enough cash to buy food, fuel and basic commodities. Ingine yote unarusha kwa hio account, so basically u stay broke with virtually no access to disposable cash to fund your alcohol-motivated escapades. I managed to save over 100k within just 2 months using this strategy. It may not be much but considering how i was perpetually broke kitambo is still sth to celebrate. Siku izi pombe naiona tu kwa billboards. My only regret is i wish i had started earlier.

Kila Mtu Ako Na Pombe Lyrics. Raha najipa mwenyewe,leta pombe tulewe Kila mtu apewe, tulewe tulewe Sina doo lakini lazima pombe Sherehe aibambi bila pombe Hapa kwa bash tumelewa pombe Pombe pombe pombe Pombe pombe pombe.

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