Dr. Sheraz Aslam



Post-doc Researcher (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus)

"If you don't see yourself successful then you never succeed"

About Me

Sheraz Aslam (Ph.D., Member IEEE) received the B.S. degree in Computer Science from the Bahauddin Zakariya University (BZU), Multan, Pakistan, in 2015, and the M.S. degree in Computer Science with a specialization in energy optimization in the smart grid from the COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2018. He also worked as a Research Associate with Dr. Nadeem Javaid during his M.S. period at the same University. Mr. Sheraz recently finished his Ph.D in Computer Engineering and Informatics from Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus, under the supervision of Dr. Herodotos Herodotou. Currently, Dr. Sheraz is working as a Post-doc Researcher at DICL Research Lab., Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), Limassol, Cyprus, where he is also a part of an European Union funded research project named as aerOS. Previously, he worked on several EU funded research projects, i.e., STEAM and MARI-Sense. He has authored more than 80 research publications in ISI-indexed international journals and conferences, including IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, and Electric Power System Research. Mr. Sheraz also served as TPC member and invited reviewer of international journals and conferences. His research interests include data analytics, generative adversarial networks, wireless networks, smart grid, and cloud computing. He is constantly looking for collaboration opportunities with professors and students from different universities around the globe.