

1. Ampleness of canonical divisors of hyperbolic normal projective varieties, Math. Z. (2014) 278:1179 - 1193. (with F. Hu and D.-Q. Zhang)

2. Jordan property for non-linear algebraic groups and projective varieties, Amer. J. Math. Vol 140, no. 4, August 2018, 1133-1145. (with D.-Q. Zhang)

3. Building blocks of polarized endomorphisms of normal projective varieties, Adv. Math., vol. 325, pp. 243-273, 2018. (with D.-Q. Zhang)

4. Characterizations of Toric Varieties via Polarized Endomorphisms, Math. Z. 292 (2019), no. 3-4, 1223-1231. (with D.-Q. Zhang)

5. Polarized endomorphisms of normal projective threefolds in arbitrary characteristic, Math. Ann. 378 (2020), no. 1-2, 637-665. (with P. Cascini and D.-Q. Zhang)

6. Building blocks of amplified endomorphisms of normal projective varieties, Math. Z. 294 (2020), no. 3, 1727-1747.

7. Semi-group structure of all endomorphisms of a projective variety admitting a polarized endomorphism, Math. Res. Lett. 27 (2020), no. 2, 523-550. (with D.-Q. Zhang)

8. Normal projective varieties admitting polarized or int-amplified endomorphisms, Acta Math. Vietnam., (2019), 1-16. (with D.-Q. Zhang)

9. Invariant subvarieties with small dynamical degree, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, Vol 2022, no. 15, 11448-11483 (with Y. Matsuzawa, T. Shibata, D.-Q. Zhang and G. Zhong)

10. Non-isomorphic endomorphisms of Fano threefolds, Math. Ann. 383, 1567-1596 (2022). (with D.-Q. Zhang and G. Zhong)

11. Rigidity of rationally connected smooth projective varieties from dynamical viewpoints, Math. Res. Lett. Vol. 30, No. 2 (2023), pp. 589-610. (with G. Zhong)

12. Jordan property for automorphism groups of compact spaces in Fujiki's class, J. Topol. 15 (2022), no.2, 806-814. (with F. Perroni and D.-Q. Zhang)

13. Kawaguchi-Silverman conjecture for surjective endomorphisms, Doc. Math. 1605-1642 (2022). (with D.-Q. Zhang)

14. Log Calabi-Yau structure of projective threefolds admitting polarized endomorphisms, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, (to appear), (Delicated to Professor De-Qi Zhang on his sixtieth birthday)

15. On endomorphisms of projective varieties with numerically trivial canonical divisors, Internat. J. Math. 34 (2023), no. 1, Paper No. 2250093, 27 pp.

16. Non-density of points of small arithmetic degrees, J. Geom. Anal. 33 (2023), no. 4, Paper No. 112, 41 pp. (with Y. Matsuzawa, T. Shibata and D.-Q. Zhang)


1. Equivariant Kaehler model for Fujiki's class, (with J. Jia)

2. Moishezon manifolds with no nef and big classes, (with J. Jia)

3. Structures theorems and applications of non-isomorphic surjective endomorphisms of smooth projective threefolds, (with D.-Q. Zhang)