Humanizing Online STEM Showcase
Shelly Ruderman Cuyamaca College.
This site provides examples of instructional resources created in the Humanizing Online STEM Academy, a professional development program funded by the California Education Learning Lab and administered by the Foothill DeAnza Community College District.
Where I was.
I have used liquid syllabi for some time now but it is very nice to try and even humanize it more. I also, have used camtasia videos for some bumper videos. I also, have used youtube videos from other resources for students. These were not my videos.
Where I am.
I have now learned to use flip! I love this app, to help engage students and to meet these students using voice and video. I also learned how to even create better personal/professions relationships with my students by interacting with them even with a fully online course. Also, being a student in the course, I have learned that time management is very important! As I fell behind, I noticed that my to get my assignments done quickly, I needed to rush them. When I was rushing I noticed that I made many mistakes and became frustrated. Knowing how important it is to stay on top of assignments it is also important to take my time and enjoy learning new things (like flip and adobe express)!
Where I am going.
I want to continue to improve on making videos and becoming more comfortable being in front of the camera..Oscar nominations here we come...LOL actually, what I have learned is that I do not need to act, I can just be myself and that is what makes me more relatable.
Liquid Syllabus
I have upgraded so to speak my liquid syllabi. I saw one of the examples provided and really loved all the photos and background pics. It really livened up the home page of the syllabus and I think I will use something like this for my home page of my modules as well. See below "Home Page".
Course Card
I really like the idea of students working together to promote fellow learning. I believe this picture reflects students all working toward that one goal of success!
Lately, I have been skipping the homepage because it was just getting to be too complicated and long. So I decided after taking this course that I can really make this more humanizing and informational, but not over the top. My new homepage includes a class welcome video (different than my syllabus introduction video), my email address, student resources link, and link to module 1 introductions! Short and hopefully sweet!
Getting to Know You Survey
This is just a great way to find out how your students are approaching the class. Are they using a laptop, phone or computer to do all there work? Are they scared to be taking this type of class? How do you pronounce their name? etc...I really like to read these over once they are filled out so that I can relate to the students as if we are face to face and not just computer screens.
Ice Breaker or Wisdom Wall
I really enjoy this ice breaker because it is the first time I will be using flip. Taking this course has shown me how easy it is for students to talk to each other and the instructor without having to own thousands of dollars in computer equipment. This assignment gets them accustom to using flip and hopefully I can incorporate flip in some discussions during the course to support learning!
Bumper Video
In this bumper video, I explain the ins and outs of PEMDAS. This is for the 060 portion, the support course, of elementary statistics. The first module for the support is all about simplifying equations using PEMDAS. This video will hopefully help students better understand the order of operations and learn from their mistakes.
This microlecture explains how to use contingency tables to help calculate probabilities of categorical data. The course goes through contingency tables in module 11 and this video is places there before taking the module 11 checkpoint.
This site is by Shelly Ruderman and is shared with a Creative Commons-Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 license. Creation of this content was made possible with funding from the California Education Learning Lab.