Research/Case Study


A comprehensive study on alternative angle sensors for FLPL EGBs

Note: Due to high heat caused by mechanical failure FLPL EGBs sensor got damaged very frequently, This research cum case study gives a comprehensive analysis of the problem and the solution to it. The case study is done in the Feni-Lanka power plant(FLPL) under Lakdhanavi Ltd. during my internship period. 


Formula Bharat

Formula Bharat is a formula student competition, I led the electronics team in this project, and my works include designing an electrical quick shifting mechanism, Designing BSPD, Optimizing vehicle performance with MATLAB and updating the dashboard with an LED strip indicator. 

Electrical Quick Shifting Mechanism

Objective: There are many different types of gear shifting technology available on the market, some work with electronics, some pneumatic, and then paddle shifters but the problem with these is they are very costly and require high maintenance, which was not affordable for this particular project, so the main objective of this electrical quick shifting mechanism sub-project is to design a systematic mechanism for quick shifting which is not only reliable and efficient but also cost-effective. 

Break System Plausibility Device (BSPD)

Objective: According to the rulebook of Formula Bharat 2020, it was mandatory that all the cars should have BSPD installed. The BSPD is a part of the shutdown system of the car, which is a non-programmable logic circuit that prevents the driver from braking and accelerating the car at the same time in order the prevent failures with stuck throttle pedals, in that certain case the circuit will shut down the system of a car and automatically restart the system once the conditions are withdrawn.

Effi-Cycle(Hybrid Vehicle)

Effi-cycle is derived from the efficient cycle, which is a three-wheel vehicle, consisting of a padel drive and electric drive. I worked on overall vehicle manufacturing, data acquisition, and simulation using simulink hybrid toolbox.

Customized AVR development board

This project was done under RoboElements. The main objective of the board was to design a compact board that can do multiple tasks. The microcontroller that is being used here is ATmega16A, which is having 16kb flash program memory with enhanced RISC architecture. In the case of the I/O port, it is having on-board LCD connector, along with three external motor drives(L293D), an external power port, and three different power rails. The board can be programmed via a 10-pin ICSP header. All the ports are connected with a male pin header which makes the board more flexible in terms of usage.

PIR sensor based security system

The project was based on the ESP32 module along with the PIR motion sensor, where the data aggregation and analytics were done on the thing speak cloud server, moreover, for intruder alerts, the Twitter push notification was embedded in the system.

Autonomous Robots

I have developed total three projects under this category, those are Line following robot, Obstacle avoiding robot and obstacle avoiding robot with irrigation system. Arduino UNO board has been used in all of them along with MATLAB for obtaining better accuracy. The line following robot used  the IR sensor which consist of IR transmitters and receivers. Transmitter transmits infrared lights, so when it fall on a reflecting surface, reflection is caught by the IR receiver (photodiodes), thus generating some voltage changes that are being signaled to the Arduino board, which operates the motor of a line following the robot, on the other hand for the obstacle avoiding robot both I have used HC-SR04 sensor for autonomous navigation and for the irrigation I have used mini submersible DC water pump. The robot can effectively navigate it's path while pumping the water from the tank.

Basic Robotic Arm with MATLAB

It is a simple planner Robot, having 2 degree of freedom with 2 link. The robot is used to draw the rectangle using inverse kinematic algorithm, Levenberg Marquardt algorithm is being used in this simulation as a solver parameter.