Customizing Your Presentation

The Customize menu contains several options. All customized settings need only be entered once; Sheets to Slides will save your preferences and use them each time you run the program.

To overwrite your preferences, simply enter a new value and click the corresponding button below the field to save your new preference.

Users can adjust the following:

  • The titles of the two created slides
  • Whether the first column is bolded or not
  • What theme they want to use

Name the title slide of your presentation.

  • This will change the title on Slide 1 of your newly created presentation.
  • For example, if you're building a deck that contains multiple reports, you could title it "Reports".

Set the title for your table slide.

  • To adjust the titles of each of your table slide, simply rename the worksheet tab
  • For example, if you want the title to be "Song Data by Region", rename that sheet and run the program – it will use whatever you have as the Sheet title

Do you want to bold the first column?

  • Sheets to Slides automatically bolds the headers in your first row.
  • To also bold your first column, as seen in the example below, select "Yes" for this option.

Do you want to make a new slide for every sheet, or just the current sheet?

  • If you select Current Sheet, Sheets to Slides will make a slide with only your active sheet, and will use the title of your active sheet as the title of the slide.
  • If you select Every Sheet, Sheets to Slides will make a new slide for every worksheet, using the title of each worksheet as the title of each slide.

Set the theme for your presentation.

  • Use this to select the overall theme of your newly created Presentation, which governs the fonts, color schemes, and other visual options.
  • You may select between these themes, shown below: Streamline, Blank, Material, Swiss, Plum, Tropic, and Gameday.






