🚓LSPDFR Insights with SHEEPDOG-VALLEY: {Modding Tips & Tricks}

Updated 5/5/2024


Create & Customize your LSPDFR dashboard: Click 'Fork' on my CodePen to duplicate the setup. Edit with your keybinds for a personalized dashboard. Simple and quick! 

{General Modding Tips}

Disclaimer: It's crucial to be diligent and keep detailed records of all modifications. Rushing or neglecting the thorough tracking of your installations will inevitably lead to issues and game crashes. The importance of this cannot be overstated.

Beware of Vehicle Mods:

A common pitfall is the allure of numerous vehicle mods. However, their abundance can be deceptive, leading to game performance issues. Choose wisely to avoid compromising your gameplay.

Opt for Add-on Vehicles:

Replacing default vehicles with high-quality mods often overloads your graphics card, especially when these vehicles spawn simultaneously across the map. To maintain optimal performance, integrating add-on vehicles is recommended, as they're less likely to impact your game adversely.

Be Thorough When Installing Mods:

Don't rush the installation process. Taking your time to carefully install mods can prevent many issues down the line. Be meticulous and follow the installation instructions provided by the mod creators.

Maintain a Detailed Mod Spreadsheet:

Keeping a meticulous record of every mod you've installed, including any edits you've made, can be a lifesaver. Use a spreadsheet (like a Google Sheet) to track your mods, edits, and their impact on your game. This organization helps in troubleshooting and managing your mods effectively.

Follow Mods for Updates:

Always subscribe or follow the mods you've installed for any update notifications. Updates can fix bugs, improve performance, or add new features. Staying updated ensures you're getting the most out of your mods.

Backup Original Files When Using OpenIV:

Before replacing any files with OpenIV, create a backup folder and keep the original files safe. This practice helps you track your modifications and easily revert any changes if necessary. Additionally, use OpenIV Favorites to mark important folders like DLCpacks and dlclist.xml for quick access.

Add Mods One at a Time:

Only add one mod at a time, then test. This method ensures that if there's an issue, you'll know exactly which mod caused it, making troubleshooting significantly easier.

Resolve Loading Issues with RPH:

If you're experiencing frequent problems, such as crashes when trying to load the game directly into LSPDFR, a simple solution that worked for me involves using the Rage Plugin Hook (RPH). Start the game with RPH, then hold SHIFT to open the RPH menu and deselect LSPDFR from loading at startup. Remember to click save and run the game. This method will load the game with EUP (Emergency Uniforms Pack) if you have it installed. To load LSPDFR, use the RPH console now and in the future: press F4, start typing `LoadPlugin`, then type `LSPD` and use autocomplete to finish the command. After hitting enter, wait for the loading to complete. Then, type `ForceDuty` and hit enter again, waiting once more for any loading to cease. Press F4 to finalize, and you're ready to spawn your police vehicle using a trainer. 'LoadPlugin LSPD First Response'

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