
Ongoing Events

Foreign Language Voting Videos

In conjunction with the League of Women Voters, SCYV is producing voting information videos in Hmong, Spanish, and Rohingya. These videos will allow all citizens to utilize their right to vote and have a voice in government.
If you have any interest in assisting with the project please contact Jake Leismer at 


Are you interested in engaging local politics and candidates? Do you want to learn how to support a specific candidate or cause?
If so, fill out this canvasser interest form where SCYV will work to connect you with the people and organizations that will allow you to make change in your community.

Past Events

Elect Her Workshop

Have you considered running for office? We bet you're more qualified than you think. Running for office gives you the chance to be a champion for your community.

Just one in four elected leaders are women. But when they run, they win at the same rates as men — the problem is that not enough enter the arena. Engaging women early is key to increasing the number of women leading at schools, in communities, and in politics.

LWV of Wisconsin, LWV of Sheboygan County, and Sheboygan County Youth Voters are joining efforts to offer a free, half-day nonpartisan training on how to run for political office. We are partnering with Running Start to give participants access to their proven Elect Her curriculum that gives young women the confidence, capabilities and connections they need to run and win!

During the workshop, participants will learn campaign strategy and leadership skills, like public speaking and networking. Participants will also meet elected women role models in their community and leave with a plan to run for political office. 

WHEN: December 2, 2023 from 10am - 1:30pm

WHERE: Jake's, A Lakeland Community - 529 Ontario Avenue, Sheboygan, WI 53081

This workshop is for you whether you're just starting to contemplate running for office or have plans to get into the running as early as next year. While our target audience is millennial and gen z women, the workshop is open to all who are interested - regardless of age or gender. We'd love to have you join us! 

Have questions? Contact Eileen Newcomer, LWVWI Voter Education Manager, at

Register Here


Future Events
