While I am editing in Premiere Pro (Vers. 22.1.2 newest version) and using something related to the Text field my PC start to make some really scary coil whine noises. And I can controll them, every time I do something with my mouse in the Text field, scrolling or changing the size I make these sounds in my pc. Except of the Test field everything works absolut fine. I have an 6800XT GPU and 5800 Ryzen CPU if this is helpful.

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One fun thing you can try to do to isolate the coil whine is to simply take a standard piece of paper, roll it into a tube, and then use it as a funnel with one side against your ear and the other side against whatever component to listen and try to locate where on the mainboard the coil whine is coming from.

Hoping to tap into knowledge I don't have here. I got lucky and got my hands on a 3080 Aorus Master today. It gets to 2025mhz core clock out of the box (haven't tried to push it further yet)! So naturally I've been testing it a bit, all games and benchmarks I had were impressive, but I get coil whine in AC Valhalla and Oddyssey as well as RDR2 benchmarks. Can't figure out why it's only in those scenarios? I have a platinum 850w psu and the coil whine seems to scale with any GPU activity in those games.

I bought a red switch K70 RGB (I wanted brown switch but weren't in stock), but had coil whine issues with it when it LEDs were set to minimum or medium. I updated firmware & they seemed to be fixed (but only ever tested in on solid red). Then before I got to use the keyboard, my local shop got a brown switch in stock & let me return the red switch & get the brown.

Was fine on just standard red LED (like the red switch ended up being, on all power settings), but I get coil whine again if the LEDs are yellow, orange, purple, I get coil whine on breath / pulse patterns. And it's definitely coil whine, the pitch changes to match the intensity of the pulse patterns. Tried all the different polling rate & bios settings, all different USB sockets & set ups, still the same. Thing is I'm using a 1 month old gold rated Super Flower PSU (golden green 550w), which has been fine with everything, even a GTX970, no whine.

If I can't eliminate the coil whine issue I'll have to take it back, but don't know if I can risk the hassle of getting another & having to return again if the next one has coil whine too. Is there an issue with these boards suffering with coil whine? Thnx :-)

Edit - bought & tried a mains powered 2.0 USB hub (using both K70 leads), totally eliminates coil whine. Maybe my Dell XPS USB system just can't handle the power for the K70 light show. Thanks for mentioning about a hub, I've seen other comments saying they're better connected direct & hubs cause problems. When I first set it up through hub & restarted it went straight to repairing C:Drive & showed 45 registration errors. Next reboot no C:Drive problems & only 1 reg error, next reboot & few times since no errors & has been fine.

At first the replacement didn't cause whine, but then I updated firmware to 1.30 & it was back to whining again (on purple, orange, yellowy green, all the mixed non primary colours that I guess must draw more power). Downgraded firmware to 1.15 (only other version I could find), no whining. So tried downgrading firmware on original K70 RGB (that I still hadn't got round to returning), cured whine.

But I've since found if I update the firmware on them to 1.30 but also disable 16.8 million colours & run on 560 (or whatever) colours, no whine on either. Read up a bit, seems firmware 1.15 was pre 16.8m so I guess it may have stopped the whine simply by stopping 16.8m working and 16.8m is the real problem on my PC. (And so I imagine it would be same on K65 or K95 RGB's).

Then thinking that, I also tried a K70 red backlit but that whines worst of all (with every version of firmware including latest). So maybe it is just certain firmwares rather than 16.8m? Also, I realise it might be a grounding issue on my PC when the USB wiring is heavily loaded, I've tried different plugs doesn't help, I'll get it looked at by an engineer sometime (however I have tried (over)loading my USB's with other devices and zero whine).

- It seems there's a K70 RGB firmware version 1.20 that supports 16.8m but can't find it anywhere, it's all been replaced with new version 1.30 (that definitely makes my PC whine). I'd guess 1.20 would still cause whine on 16.8m but there's a chance it won't & is the perfect fix - is there any way I can get hold of a copy of FW 1.20 to try?

I wouldn't be surprised if it's mb, it's Dell 0nw73c chipset Intel PCH77 (if that means anything). It's hard to tell exactly where the whine comes from, either inside PSU (new Super Flower Golden Green 550w) or underneath where USB cabling & top of mb is, CPU fan gets in the way to hear exactly where. If the whining is wiring overloading or something I guess that's dangerous? If it doesn't whine with the 16.8m colours switched off (which I'm happy with) is it safe to assume it's safe, or would I still be better running it through a powered USB hub?

Different colors causing the whine is probably an indicator of the keyboard's PWM driver for the LEDs - different color intensities results in different total load from the LEDs. It seems the PWM running at different frequencies and loads found some kind of resonance with the power delivery on the motherboard. I don't think most motherboards tie the 5v line from the psu directly to the USB ports, so some component in the circuit for controlling the load to the USB ports is probably causing your issue.

My first K70, CH-9000067-NA (not the latest version with new corsair logo, but previous one) had same problem. Although it did not have RGB colors, I could also hear a lot of coil whine from the area in between cursor keys and INSERT/HOME/PAGE UP... keys. funny thing was, it would increase in loudness with decreasing the light intensity, so I always kept my LEDs at the highest setting... it was bearable then.

Put my 7900XTX in my roommates computer (R7 5800X based) and the card had coil whine. I also double checked his 2080 in his own computer and it had coil whine too - but its quiet enough that we never noticed until I looked for it. The 2080 was louder in my computer though.

Think of yourself as a five-year-old. What would be the most profitable use of your "Whine Weapon"? Well, it would be the effort that yields the intended results - the attention of your parents. If the whine does not change anything, you might as well save the energy.

Now what does this have to do with LinkedIn? Well, employees whine too. When the manager is still available to pay attention, we escalate everything. As soon as it gets difficult to handle, we say, "I have to call my manager". The manage is available and responsible for responding to your frequent whine. After all, that is why he or she is being paid so much.

As someone reporting to a manager who is still around, you may find yourself still whining because there is someone to whine to. How about taking a few risks once in a while and reporting solutions to your boss rather than problems?

I noticed my computer making a slight noise any time I move over one of the icons in the 3D Viewer (move, rotate, Arrange, Layer View, etc.). It seems like it may be coil whine from my video card. So I peaked at the Task manager, and if I constantly wiggle between multiple icons, the GPU goes up to as high as 45%; this is on a Radeon RX 6600. While constantly rotating only goes as high as 9%. Why are the icons so GPU hungry?

Could it be the motherboard itself that has the coil whine? I have a Gigabyte Z77X-D3H with an i7 2600k in my other rig and its always been very noisy in that regard. I know its the motherboard and not the graphics cards (its had several in its life) because nothing graphically intensive has to be going on, its related solely to CPU load. The power delivery components on a motherboard (all around the CPU socket) are very similar to whats found on a video card and can do the same thing.

Umm, he isn't complaining about static, he is complaining of hearing coil whine coming from the chassis of his PC, but sure, turning down the volume will fix a faulty MOBO won't it????????

And OP, I would put my money on the whine actually coming from your motherboard itself, one of my old systems did the same.

Okay, I just went to a friends house and took the card with me. The card did not make any coil whine on his system. Similar type of system, with the same mobo. So I gotta think at this point it has to be the motherboard and not the card.

With all due respect, maybe you're satisfied with Coil whine. I am certainly not. Saying it isn't a fault when manufacturers go to great lengths using top quality and even cement core chokes to reduce it, is frankly ridiculous. On the same train of thought, making your card zero DB by turning the fans off at low temps, only to have the card (or motherboard in this case) squeal like a pig is counter intuitive. It doesn't hurt performance, correct, but it isn't and shouldn't be expected or accepted. EVGA and other manufacturers will accept RMA for coil whine, so it would appear they agree. e24fc04721

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