We welcome contributions to FreeTTS. If you have code or fixes you would like to submit, please contact the FreeTTS team at freetts-contacts@sourceforge.net. The terms for contributing code are generous and are as follows:

FreeTTS makes liberal use of the "Class-Path" attribute of a jarManifest. As such, you need to place very little in your classpathwhen you run applications. The only things you need to do are thefollowing: Place the lib directory anywhere you want. Make sure lib/freetts.jar is in your classpath.Note that the demonstration applications also use a jar Manifest that uses the "Class-Path" attribute. Thebuild places the jar files for FreeTTS in the lib directory, andthe jar files for the demos in the bin directory. The jar manifestsfor the demos depend on the lib and bin directories beingin the same top level directory. If you change this, the demos may notwork properly.Quick Start If you are not interested in building FreeTTS, then you only need to download the FreeTTS binary distribution from the FreeTTS Download Page. Once you've downloaded and unpacked the FreeTTS binary distribution, perform the following steps:  Set up support for the Java Speech API (JSAPI).  Run any of the demos.  Building Applications with FreeTTSWe have provided a number of demonstration applications that use FreeTTS. We highly suggest that you usethese as examples for how to create your own applications. As notedabove, FreeTTS makes liberal use of the "Class-Path" attribute of a jarManifest. As such, you need to place very little in your classpathwhen you run applications. The only things you need to do are thefollowing: Place the lib directory anywhere you want. Make sure lib/freetts.jar is in your classpath.Building FreeTTSThe prerequisites for building FreeTTS are as follows: FreeTTS Source Distribution. Download from the FreeTTS download page. 

  JSAPI 1.0 specification implementation. The JSAPI 1.0 specification implemention comes with the FreeTTS Source Distribution. All you need to do is set up JSAPI support. 

 JavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v1.4 available at (all platforms). After you have downloaded and installed the SDK, remember to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to where you installed it. 

 Apache Ant 1.5.3 or better. After you install ant, sure the "ant" command is in your path. Visit the Apache Ant site to get ant. NOTE: As you can see, we are no longer using GNUMake. 

 JUnit Version 3.7. available at (all platforms). IMPORTANT: copy the junit.jar to the lib directory of your Apache Ant installation. 

 To build FreeTTS, merely type the following in a command prompt situated at the top level FreeTTS directory:  ant This executes the Apache Ant command to build the FreeTTS classes, voices, demos, and jar files. The output will be placed under the bld directory.We have also provided a number of ant targets for convenience: ant clean: deletes all the output from the build to give you a fresh start 

ant javadoc: builds the javadoc documentation and places the results in the javadoc directory 

ant junit: for testing only; runs the JUnit tests (see Testing FreeTTS)Testing FreeTTSFreeTTS includes a number of unit and regression tests. The unit tests verify that critical routines are working properly. The regression tests verify that the output of FreeTTS matches what is expected.Although we test FreeTTS regularly as part of our development process, testing FreeTTS is optional for you. The prerequisites for testing FreeTTS are as follows: Follow Instructions for Building FreeTTS

 FreeTTS Test Distribution. In addition to the sources, you must also download the test distribution from the FreeTTS download page. 

 UNIX Scripting tools. The regression tests use a number of UNIX tools including: sed, awk, diff,and wc. For Windows users, these tools are available with the Cygwin ( ) package. As part of the Cygwin install, make sure you select the "make" package from the "Devel" category, the "findutils" package from the "Base" category, and the "zip" package from the "Archive" category. In addition, make sure you modify your PATH environment variable to include the cygwin/bin directory before any Windows directories. To run the units tests for FreeTTS, merely type the following in a command prompt situated at the top level FreeTTS directory:  ant junit The test output should be self explanatory.To run the regression tests, merely type the following in a command prompt situated at the FreeTTS tests directory: ./regression.shThe test output should be self explanatory.Demos FreeTTS includes a number of demos. Each demo directory has Java source file(s) containing the demo source and a 'README.html' file with brief instructions as to how to run the demo.

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NOTE: The binaries for the demos exist as jar files in the bin directory of the binary distribution. If you only wish to run the demos, follow only the "Running" instructions for each demo. If you want to compile the demos, you must get the sources from the FreeTTS source distribution available on the FreeTTS Download Page. Note also that the demonstration applications also use a jar Manifest that uses the "Class-Path" attribute. Thebuild places the jar files for FreeTTS in the lib directory, andthe jar files for the demos in the bin directory. The jar manifestsfor the demos depend on the lib and bin directories beingin the same top level directory. If you change this, the demos may notwork properly. FreeTTS Test Program The FreeTTS distribution includes a program that will allow you to test many of the features of FreeTTS. This program is started by running the following command: java -jar lib/freetts.jar.NAME freetts - exercise the FreeTTS synthesis sytem

DESCRIPTION The lib/freetts.jar contains a main entry point that allows a user to interactively control the FreeTTS synthesizer. When invoked with no arguments, freetts will read text from the command line and convert the text to speech. freetts can also be used to convert text from a file to speech. It includes options that allow you to redirect the audio to file, as well as a number of metrics and debugging options.OPTIONS There are a number of options that can be used to affect the operation of freetts as described here: -detailedMetrics: turn on detailed metrics -dumpAudio file : dump audio to file -dumpAudioTypes : dump the possible output types -dumpMultiAudio file : dump audio to file -dumpRelations : dump the relations -dumpUtterance : dump the final utterance -dumpASCII file : dump the final wave to file in ASCII form (for testing) -file file : speak text from given file -lines file : render lines from a file -help : shows usage information -metrics : turn on metrics -run name : sets the name of the run -silent : don't say anything -streaming : use streaming audio player -text say me : speak given text (should be last argument) -url path : speak text from given URL -verbose : verbose output -version : shows version number -voice VOICE : kevin, kevin16, mbrola_us1, mbrola_us2, or mbrola_us3 -voiceInfo : print detailed voice infoEXAMPLESInteractive mode: % java -jar lib/freetts.jar Enter text: Hello World. tag_hash_145 Enter text: ^D %Speaking text from a command line: % java -jar lib/freetts.jar -text hello world tag_hash_147Speaking text from a file: % java -jar lib/freetts.jar -file my_email.txt tag_hash_149Selecting an alternate voice: % java -jar lib/freetts.jar -voice kevin16 -text Hello World tag_hash_151Redirecting audio to a file: % java -jar lib/freetts.jar -dumpAudio hello.wav -text Hello WorldToolsImporting Voice Data from FestVoxFreeTTS now has the ability to import voice data from FestVox (USEnglish only). With this, you can record your own voice using theFestVox tools, and then turn the resulting data into a FreeTTS voice.Visit our FestVoxToFreeTTS page to learn how to create your ownvoices for FreeTTS. It's not trivial, and it requires usingFestival and FestVox.Importing CMU ARCTIC Voice DataFreeTTS now has the ability to import CMU ARCTIC voice data fromFestVox (US English only). The CMU ARCTIC voices are quite largeand require a little extra work, so we created tools just for thesevoices.Visit our ArcticToFreeTTS page to learn how to import the CMU ARCTIC voicesinto FreeTTS.Documentation API documentation: The FreeTTS API contains the engine documentation. 

 Writing software with FreeTTS: We recommend that you use the Java Speech API (JSAPI) 1.0 to interface with FreeTTS. The JSAPI interface provides the best method of controlling and using FreeTTS. The JSAPI demos provide a set of examples that show how to select a FreeTTS synthesizer and make it speak. 

 Programmer's Guide: The Programmer's Guide provides a view of the FreeTTS internals. This is meant for people who wish to enhance FreeTTS itself. Frequently Asked Questions Why must I use Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v1.4? Some of the many compelling reasons to use Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v1.4. are:

The -dumpMultiAudio option (same format as -dumpAudio) dumps audio to multiple audio files, one file per utterance. In this case, if "filename" is "foo.wav", the files are named foo0.wav, foo1.wav, foo2.wav, etc.. Again, the file format is determined by the extension of the filename.

 If you are writing your own application, you can set the audio player of the FreeTTS Voice to one of the file-based audio players. See the FreeTTS API documentation for:  Voice - describes how to set the AudioPlayer for a voice. You can also set the default AudioPlayer via the command line by defining the "com.sun.speech.freetts.voice.defaultAudioPlayer" system property. The value of this property must be the name of a class that implements the AudioPlayer interface, and which also has a no-arg constructor.

  FreeTTSVoice.getVoice - allows you to get the underlying FreeTTS Voice object from the JSAPI FreeTTSVoice object. NOTE that doing this means you end up straying from the JSAPI specification. An example of how you might use this method is as follows: desc = (SynthesizerModeDesc) synthesizer.getEngineModeDesc(); javax.speech.synthesis.Voice[] jsapiVoices = desc.getVoices(); javax.speech.synthesis.Voice jsapiVoice = voices[0]; /* Non-JSAPI modification of voice audio player */ if (jsapiVoice instanceof com.sun.speech.freetts.jsapi.FreeTTSVoice) { com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice freettsVoice = ((com.sun.speech.freetts.jsapi.FreeTTSVoice) jsapiVoice).getVoice(); freettsVoice.setAudioPlayer(new SingleFileAudioPlayer()); }   SingleFileAudioPlayer - an AudioPlayer that sends all output to a single file.

  MultiFileAudioPlayer - an AudioPlayer that sends each utterance to a separate file.  

 Does FreeTTS provide full support for the JSAPI 1.0 specification? No. Since FreeTTS is a speech synthesis system, none of the JSAPI 1.0 Recognition interfaces are supported. In addition, FreeTTS supports only a subset of the JSAPI 1.0 javax.speech.synthesis specification. The FreeTTS support for JSAPI 1.0 has the following restrictions:  JSML Speech Markup is ignored. FreeTTS JSAPI will process JSML, but currently does not apply the markup to the generated speech. FreeTTS does not currently generate the WORD_STARTED or the MARKER_REACHED events. Vocabulary management is not supported. The Synthesizer.phoneme() method is not implemented. PropertyVeto exceptions are not always properly thrown when property change requests are rejected or constrained.  Note that the JSAPI specification is undergoing changes. The official work being done on JSAPI is now for JSAPI 2.0 via the Java Community Process (JCP) under JSR-113. Read more about the JCP and JSR-113 at e24fc04721

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