Being a huge prog head, I do love me a good instrumental song. Some of my favorite artists/ bands/musicians that make instrumental music include a lot of Jazz fusion guys (Bill Bruford, Alan Holdsworth, Jean Luc Ponty come to mind right away). I also listen to metal so bands like Animals As Leaders and Haunted Shores are two that come to mind right away.

So with the next sections of this blog post just know that the things I say are mostly in the context of writing instrumental music in the area of rock, prog rock, post rock, jazz fusion, metal, etc because those are the styles I listen to the most and which I assume you would want to write music in.

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Make your guitar sound like another instrument with effects, experiment with dissonance, go on psychedelic interludes mid song, use crazy world instruments, make really long songs 10min+. The list goes on.

The focuses for instrumentals switch to lead melodies and the instrumental prowess of the musicians. Without the restrictions of having to appeal to a wide array of listeners, musicians can get really weird, complex in their music theory, and strive for virtuosity in their instrument.

This EVT, DVT, PVT article is one of the first pieces of content I wrote for Instrumental in 2015. At the time, there was very little on the internet about the lives of hardware engineers, our struggles, and how to excel at our jobs. This piece rapidly became the most back-linked, downloaded, and referenced content on, with leaders telling me they embedded it in their onboarding, training, and company wikis (we can see the referring domains as proof) -- it's been referenced tens of thousands of times. In the intervening years, this knowledge became more widespread and adopted by many of the world's best electronics companies (not to mention copycat articles on the web). This article inspired the Build Better Handbook, many years later as part of our mission to improve how teams build. I am reposting it here as foundational content to assist leaders in clearly defining the stage gates of their own development process.

Recent reforms within the UK National Health Service, particularly the introduction of clinical governance, have been enacted with the apparent aim of rebuilding patient trust. This paper analyses the approach taken by policy makers, arguing that it is based very much on an instrumental conception of trust. The assumptions and limitations of this model are discussed and in so doing, a communicative understanding of trust is proposed as an alternative. It is argued that the instrumental rationality and institutional focus inherent to instrumental trust neglect the importance of the communication between patient and medical professional and its affective dimensions. Communicative trust goes beyond a mere cognitive appreciation of the system and rather is dependent on the qualitative interaction at the access point, where the patient comes to believe that the communicative rationality of their best interests is mirrored by the professional's instrumental rationality. Whilst recent challenges to the confidence of patients in professionals and medical knowledge make some approximation of an ideal speech situation more imperative than previously, the application of an instrumental concept of trust in the NHS makes such interactions less likely, as well as facilitating a divergence between instrumental and communicative rationality in healthcare provision.

Another such remarkable alumnus is Adul Samon, who came to campus for six weeks last summer to study biology and take a personal essay course. Adul was one of 12 boys who, along with their soccer coach, were trapped in a flooded underground cave in Thailand in 2018. Their dramatic rescue was recently made into the film Thirteen Lives, directed by Ron Howard. Adul was instrumental in the rescue effort because, as the only English speaker in the group, he was able to effectively communicate with divers and relay vital information to his teammates, which helped them survive the almost two-week ordeal.

The above figure shows the last 25 years of globally averaged instrumental surface temperature measurements. Also shown is the recent history of fluctuations in ENSO and the period of atmospheric disturbance due to the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991, one of the largest of the 20th century; the volcano injected ash and sulfur gases into the upper atmosphere, where they blocked enough sunlight to cool the global climate for a period of about 3 years.

The figure above shows the difference in instrumentally determined surface temperatures between the period January 1999 through December 2008 and "normal" temperatures at the same locations, defined to be the average over the interval January 1940 to December 1980. The average increase on this graph is 0.48 C, and the widespread temperature increase is considered to be an aspect of global warming. The most striking feature of this map is that the temperature changes have not been uniform across the globe; the high latitudes (above about 50 degrees) in the Northern Hemisphere have warmed more than any other part of the Earth, while the tropics warmed far less. But Antarctica has been warming significantly too, and, most recently in 2022 there have been record temperatures 20 C warmer than normal!

Play this movie and watch as the globe becomes dominated by the yellow, orange, and red colors signifying warmer temperatures. Note that the warming is not uniform across the globe, nor is it steady through time, but the warming trend is nevertheless clear to see.

The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences is committed to making its websites accessible to all users, and welcomes comments or suggestions on access improvements. Please send comments or suggestions on accessibility to the site editor. The site editor may also be contacted with questions or comments about this Open Educational Resource.

Error cannot be completely eliminated, but it can be reduced by being aware of common sources of error and by using thoughtful, careful methods. Common sources of error include instrumental, environmental, procedural, and human. All of these errors can be either random or systematic depending on how they affect the results.

Looking for more? The NEC Collaborative Piano Department offers a unique program of intensive study to advanced pianists who have specialized interests in piano-vocal and piano-instrumental repertoire.

The intensive is meant to replicate a true Berklee College of Music undergraduate experience. You will select one principal instrument (voice included) to study during the program. You may choose an electronic digital instrument (EDI) as your principal instrument. Your instructors for Aspire: Five-Week Music Performance Intensive are members of Berklee's world-class faculty and include a mix of private instruction, instrumental labs, ensembles, theory, performance, and musicianship training. While classes are designed to challenge and expand your musical skill set, your course load will be appropriate for your abilities.

Auditions are required for all instrumental and vocal areas of performance, undergraduate music education and undergraduate composition majors. There are no pre-screening requirements for any of our undergraduate programs. Auditions are performed live or by video recording. 006ab0faaa

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