Shay Sapir

I am a PhD student at the Weizmann Institute, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, advised by Prof. Robert Krauthgamer.

Broadly, my research interest is in analyzing algorithms, especially those using sublinear space. More specifically, given an input (possibly a vector, a matrix or a graph), represent it using space that is sublinear in its size. This scheme is well described by sketching, streaming or sparsification algorithms.

Previously, I earned a MSc in computer science at Weizmann and a double BSc in electrical engineering and physics at the Technion.

Links: Scholar, DBLP.



With Asaf Petruschka and Elad Tzalik.
Manuscript, 2024. arXiv

With Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang and Robert Krauthgamer.
SOCG 2024. arXiv Proceeding

With Asaf Petruschka and Elad Tzalik.
ITCS 2024. arXiv Proceeding

Great talk by Asaf

With Vladimir Braverman, Robert Krauthgamer and Aditya Krishnan.
ICALP 2023. arXiv Proceeding