Python Download Matplotlib


Matplotlib makes nightly development build wheels available on thescientific-python-nightly-wheels Anaconda Cloud organization.These wheels can be installed with pip by specifyingscientific-python-nightly-wheels as the package index to query:

The first thing to try is a clean install and see ifthat helps. If not, the best way to test your install is by running a script,rather than working interactively from a python shell or an integrateddevelopment environment such as IDLE which add additionalcomplexities. Open up a UNIX shell or a DOS command prompt and run, forexample:

This will give you additional information about which backends Matplotlib isloading, version information, and more. At this point you might want to makesure you understand Matplotlib's configurationprocess, governed by the matplotlibrc configuration file which containsinstructions within and the concept of the Matplotlib backend.

Apple ships OSX with its own Python, in /usr/bin/python, and its own copyof Matplotlib. Unfortunately, the way Apple currently installs its own copiesof NumPy, Scipy and Matplotlib means that these packages are difficult toupgrade (see system python packages). For that reason we strongly suggestthat you install a fresh version of Python and use that as the basis forinstalling libraries such as NumPy and Matplotlib. One convenient way toinstall Matplotlib with other useful Python software is to use the AnacondaPython scientific software collection, which includes Python itself and awide range of libraries; if you need a library that is not available from thecollection, you can install it yourself using standard methods such as pip.See the Anaconda web page for installation support.

Other options for a fresh Python install are the standard installer, or installingPython using a general OSX package management system such as homebrew or macports. Power users onOSX will likely want one of homebrew or macports on their system to installopen source software packages, but it is perfectly possible to use thesesystems with another source for your Python binary, such as Anacondaor Python.

If you get a result like /usr/bin/python..., then you are getting thePython installed with OSX, which is probably not what you want. Try closingand restarting before running the check again. If that doesn't fixthe problem, depending on which Python you wanted to use, consider Python, or check your homebrew or macports setup. Remember thatthe disk image installer only works for Python, and will not getpicked up by other Pythons. If all these fail, please let us know.

While attempting to use matplotlib.pyplot with the latest version of matplotlib (updated through the Anaconda distribution) I got a very similar error. The error appears to be between the root python version and the Anaconda distribution as the following solves the problem: 5376163bf9

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