ECON 3843: Economics of the Developing World (Spring 2022)

This course examines theories and patterns of economic development in emerging economies. It provides a framework to analyze goods and services, labor, and investment markets, with a focus on the implications of transaction costs. It also explores measures of poverty and inequality and their implications for economic development.

ECON 2023: Principles of Microeconomics (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This course examines basic concepts of microeconomics or the behavior and the interactions of individuals, firms and government. Topics include microeconomic analysis, including demand and supply, price and output, consumer decision making, production and costs, market structures, market failure, government policy, and international economics.

WCOB 1033: Data Analysis and Interpretation (Fall 2021, Spring 2022)

This is an introductory level course covering topics involving estimation of population characteristics, research design and hypothesis testing, as well as measuring and predicting relationships. The course should enable the students to develop an understanding regarding the application and interpretation of basic data analysis techniques with an emphasis on statistical applications.

ECON 1078: Math Tools For Economists I (Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2020)

This course teaches fundamental mathematical skills and logical thinking that serves as a basis for economic thought. Topics include logic, algebra, number theory, set theory, graphs, functions, and more. This course uses "real world" examples.

ECON 1088: Math Tools For Economists II (Fall 2019, Spring 2020)

This class is the second of a two-course sequence. It is a continuation of ECON 1078, and builds upon the algebraic foundation developed in that course. This course covers derivatives, optimization, and integrals, which are important mathematical tools used in economics.

ECON 2010: Principles of Microeconomics (Teaching Assistant)

Examines basic concepts of microeconomics or the behavior and the interactions of individuals, firms and government. Topics include determining economic problems, how consumers and businesses make decisions, how markets work, and how they fail and how government actions affect markets.


Teaching Philosophy and Evaluations [PDF]