To see Corporate Colorado document and Shawnee History By - Laws and Rules and Regulations go to : DOCUMENTS

Shawnee History is devoted to presenting and preserving our local history. Membership is $10. individual/$20. family Contact us at : or here: BECOME A MEMBER OF SHAWNEE HISTORY ( Soon this will become a link to PayPal to facilitate joining SH)

Shawnee History numerous programs: Shawnee National Historic District activities, Shawnee House Histories, Archives, the old Privy, History Classes, Shawnee History Day, Cultually Modified Trees, Shawnee Water history.

Find out more about Culturally Modified Trees go to: CULTURALLY MODIFIED TREES . Shawnee History is cooperating with NASTAP, Native American Sacred Trees and Places. NASTAP will be our lead organization and our CMT committee has joined NASTAP to work as local assistance. Visit Nastap. org. As our information improves the CMT page on this site will be redone.