The Schedule

 Scroll down for session descriptions at the bottom of the page. 

5:30-9:30 PM  Children's Activities and Learning
for ages 5-12 and their families

5:30-6:00: Session 1 (K-4th grade)

6:05-6:35 Session 2 (K-4th grade)

6:40-7:25 Children's Dinner (Social Hall)
7:30-8:10 Session 3 (5th-7th grade)

8:15-8:35 Children's Dessert (tent)
8:40-9:30 Session 4 (5th-7th grade)


7:15 PM

100 Centre St

Truth and Responsibility: A View from the Eglah Arufah 

Rabbi Dr. Jane Kanarek, P'shat/Drash, 10th fl

The Uber of Buber: Travels With A Great Modern Jewish Philosopher

Dr. Davin Wolok, Pshat/Drash,
1st floor

7:55pm KI Mincha and Festival Ma'ariv in the Sanctuary


Ground Floor

Singing Our Way to Sinai

Noah Weinberg, G-11, Sod

Love in the Book of Ruth 

Joe Reimer, Chapel, P'shat/Drash


Dr. Susannah Heschel, Innovation, Tzedek


Challah Braiding -
Bakey Style

Cheryl Holbert, Kitchen, Remez

Upper Floor

Jewish Youth: What are they feeling about Israel? 

Rabbi David Starr, CMT Sanctuary, Remez

From Scrolls to Sayings: Hebrew Idioms based in Jewish Texts 

Shira Fischer , U-13, Pshat/Drash

100 Centre St

There is no greater Mitzvah than Redemption of Captives 

David Bernstein, 10th Floor, Tzedek

Ahavat Yisrael:  Responsibility for the Jewish People

Jonathan Golden, 1st Fl, Remez


Seudah: Light Dinner, Social Hall, 384 Harvard

Desserts and Snacks, 10th Fl, 100 Centre


Ground Floor

Singing Our Way to Sinai

Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer, G-11, Sod

Israeli Reform Judaism in the face of the War-Challenges, Spiritual Resilience- and Hope 

David Bernstein, Chapel, Remez/Tzedek

“Yes And” Torah 

Rabbi Brandon Bernstein
Innovation Rm, Remez/P'shat/Drash


Abraham’s Moment of Military Truth in our Lives Today 

Rabbi Bill Hamilton, KI Sanctuary, P'shat/Drash


Interpreting B’reisheet in light of modern science 

Jeffrey Cohen, Library P'shat/Drash


Challenging Authority  

Rabbi Michelle Fisher, M8b, P'shat/Drash

Rainbow Challah: Experiences of Jewish LGBTQ Students

Dr. Ira Kirschner, M8a, Remez

Upper Floor

Talmudic Perspective on A Life of Full-Time Torah Study: Ideal or Extreme?

Rabbi Lisa Malik, U13, Pshat/Drash

Rebbe Nachman’s Pop Hit Song on Hiddenness and Shavu’ot 

Rabbi Andy Vogel, CMT Sanctuary,

100 Centre St

"The Crownless Again Shall Become King" : Finding Mindfulness and Agency in the Mediated Age 

Rabbi-Cantor Michael McCloskey, 10th Fl, Sod 

Don't Be Scared:
Let's Talk about Gen Z 

Emilia Diamant, 1st Floor, Remez


Ground Floor

Singing Our Way to Sinai

Yoni Battat, G-11, Sod

What if Sinai Was Actually Jethro’s Idea?

Ezra Zuckerman Sivan , Chapel, P'shat/Drash

Tikkun Olam: Repairing, Installing, Anachronism

Yonadav Tzveker, Innovation Rm, Pshat/Drash 


Southern Biscuits and Pimento Cheese

Nathan Vaughan, kitchen, Remez

Revelation & Obligation: What do we do with this covenant, anyway? 

Rabbi Becky Silverstein, Sanctuary, P'shat/drash


Kink and Kedusha

Adena Walker, Library, Remez


The Spiritual Technology of Tochecha (Rebuke) 

Marissa Feinman Freed, M8a, Pshat/Drash

Either Friendship or Death!?! The story of Aher, the 'Other' 

Rabbi Rachel Adelman
M8b, P'shat/Drash

Upper Floor

Receiving Torah as  Gift   

Rabbi Toba Spitzer, CMT Sanctuary, Sod

Wild Women of Biblical Proportions: Ruth's Unsavory Ancestors

Rabbi Lisa Malik, U13,

Dessert 11:40p Social Hall

12:15p Sermon Slam Sanctuary



Ground Floor

Is there really a time to Hate? 

Rabbi Steve Greenberg, Chapel,  Pshat/Drash

Singing Our Way to Sinai

Zach Meyer, G-11, Sod

Olives!  Evolution in Rabbinic Units of Measurement

Morry Safer,  Innovation Rm, P'shat/Drash

Mezanine Floor

Understanding Israeli Religious Zionism through Rav Kook (and vice versa) 

Yonadav Tzveker, Library, Pshat/Drash 

2:05AM SNACK BREAK Innovation Rm


Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M… Unless You’re Studying Torah 

Rabbi Brandon Bernstein, Chapel,  P'shat/Drash 

Singing Our Way to Sinai

Sam Tygiel G-11, Sod

Midrash & Imagination for a Climate Resilient World. 

Rabbi Laura Bellows, Innovation, Tzedek,  


Staying Up All Night: Coffee in Jewish History, Life and Law

Rebecca Jacobs, Chapel, Remez

Revelation in Real-Time

Andy Halpert, Innovation, Remez

4:10 AM Sunrise Shacharit by TBZ/KI

Session Descriptions:

Session Descriptions 2024