Shaun the Sheep is back! In 1995, Aardman Animation released its third Wallace and Gromit stop motion animated short, A Close Shave, which co-starred an adorable little sheep that became an instant fan-favorite. This little sheep would go on to star in his own TV series, and now the third and fourth seasons of Shaun the Sheep are on DVD in one convenient set, which is available today!

Shaun, the world's favorite little sheep, returns with even more farm-tastic misadventures in Seasons 3 and 4. Join the adventures of the hilariously mischievous sheep that audiences of all ages love with Shaun the Sheep: Seasons 3 and 4.

Shaun The Sheep Season 3 Download

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Be sure to catch up on the family-friendly, slapstick comedy featuring Shaun and his silly farm friends. With more than six hours of fun in 50 episodes across two seasons, the four-disc Shaun the Sheep: Seasons 3 and 4 DVD set is available for a retail price of $19.98. 152ee80cbc

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