Keep Kevin Crye-Decline to Sign

No Newsome Appointed Supervisor for Shasta!

A Brief History

Kevin Crye has only just begun his 4 year term as county supervisor.  The people of Shasta County  appreciate his courage, bravery , and dedication to transparency.  He voted to get rid of Dominion and because of that the powers that be want him removed.  This is an all out assault on the freedom of Shasta County to self govern.

Kevin Crye and his family

Get to Know Kevin- in His Own Words

"Shasta County Supervisor Kevin Crye Wants Honest Elections, Bay Area Radicals Financing Recall"

Kevin Crye is a free-thinker who does his research and stands up for the people of Shasta County as evidenced here and here (3 minute videos)

Excellent interview of Kevin Crye by Mike Lindell (58minutes)

Kevin Crye at Freedom Fest in Fresno, video (start at 45minutes in)

"Kevin Crye on the Air" Every other Sunday at 8AM, KNCR. May 21 episode 

Shasta Speaks- Here's What Others Have to Say About Kevin Crye