
Smart India Hackathon-2023

Actively Participated in SIH-2023, till Institutional round @GCET. Learnt the art of pitching, team making and presentation.

Robotica's Ideathon-2024

Me along with my team, has participated in ideathon event hosted at @GCET by robotics club of college in collaboration with Robokalam.

Bhaswara - 2024

Bhaswara, is annual Inno-Cultural event @GCET. Our team has been active participant at Project Expo segment,  hosted by AIML Dept. of college and won the 3rd prize among 50 inter-collegiate teams.


GCET most celebrated annual National Level Hackathon has been hosted in 2024 also.

Our team has taken a active participation and remained as a runner up in the event.

# stats of event :  

36 hrs - 

94 teams - 

365 particiapnts-

150K  prize pool-

7 Themes - 7 Winners


Hackfest-2024 @GNITS

Our team was, been shortlisted for Regional Round among 100's of applications for this hackathon. This event has took place in @GNITS, Hyd in collaboration with SAP Labs,India.

SAP Labs hosted this, hackathon  across all the major indian states, with collaboration with many regional colleges. In Telanagana State, this event was organised at GNITS,Hyd.

IoT value added course Ideathon

GCET Management has organised the value added course on IoT in collaboration with AB Techville, Where we have learned and explores the technicalities in IoT field. 

On the last of this course, we have got an oppurtunity to present our own ideas blending the IoT learning from the course. There innovative idea of " pole-eazy " came up and had a triumph

                                                                                                Initiative for Initial Participation

Boeing BUILD 3.O

TSIC's  Social Innovation Hackathon '24

  Podcast  Competition              @GCET 

                                                                                PROJECTS / IDEAS / RESEARCH PAPERS

Active Mat 

Focused  SDG's :   7, 9, 11

Active mat, is an intresting project which solves the most essential problem i.e, having sustainable clean energy solution. It has a potential to think beyond the traditional renewable sorces of energy. The idea focuses on designing a Mat using the piezo electric sensors to convert mechanical stress            ( Human foot print ) to electrical energy.


Focused  SDG's : 2, 6, 9, 12

The concept of pole-easy is a unique, IoT based pole approach solutions for the sustainable smart agricultural solutions.

This idea, deals with integrating the IoT based poles into the hearts of paddy fields, solving the major problems of misobservations, inactive human presence, water inefficiency. 


Focused  SDG's : 3, 7, 9, 11

Electro-light, project is basically a maual gym cycle, which uses the human interaction workout to convert them into electrical energy. Which is minor step towards solving dual challeneges of health conciousness and clean energy


Focused  SDG's : 12, 17, 13

Waste wise, focuses on solving an essiential yet underrated problem i.e, the robust post-agricultural waste, by using the traditional methods the problems like food wastage, release of green house gases, land toxication arises. but, the idea of waste wise addresses these issues and provide a revolutionary solutuion for these rural areas, known as 

" Hub-n-spook integrated aggregator model "

                                                                                    Startup Projects (in progress)


InitialShip, is a specialized platform connecting startups with undergraduates for internship opportunities, With Personalized matching, skill development and promotion of individual value. 

It basically, solves the most underrated dual  problems of students and startups. It helps to connect the initial talent with initial opportunity

It also provides, the added advantages of upskilling, mentorships, and Resume building.


Hastag is a geo location based-social platform where users connect based on proximity, share experiences, and explore local events and businesses. By using maps, recommendations, and privacy features, users can navigate their surroundings comfortably. It fosters real-time communication. Another side, promoting local business supported by targeted customer in local radius and continuous user feedback using hyper local advertisement network of application.

                                                                                                 RESEARCH  PAPERS

                                                           LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE / KEY CONTRIBUTIONS

Team : Bharat Innovators

   Position held : Team Lead 

Bharat Innovators, is a hackaton team name. The team is a collaborative group consisting of 4members, with different skill sets and talent but, contributing to single stated goal of innovating tommorow's solutions for Vikasit Bharat.

The team fosters, the key innovatives ideas and refines projects focuses majorly on clean energy initiatives for tommorow's betterment. The team extends the solution and showcases its innovation prowess by participating in hackathons, projectothons, project expo's, ideathons, and other pitches. cultivating a culture of competing with other best solutions in order to learn, iterate, and grow.


 Position held :  Student President

Being in this role,  I get oppurtunity to lead initiatives to foster creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation in campus among students. Through workshops, events, and competitions, I get to head the respective wings to  cultivate a culture of innovation. Collaborating with faculty, students and industry individuals I drive positive change, aiming to make a lasting impact on innovation realm in campus  and beyond the academia. 

SKILLS developed : Leadership, Community building, Skill analysis, Risk management, Time Management, Mass motivating, people coordination.

CONTRIBUTION :  My initial and significant contribution being at this role, is to ideate a plan know as FUSION 5.0 . It is an initiative taken for building 5 specifically tailored wings for managing the various works, in a whole rounded approach for making IIC-GCET, a process oriented innovation ecosytem among all the other institutes. This initiative was supported and embraced by the Dr.B.Nagamani garu,  Head Coordinator of IIC-GCET. Which was taken forward by recruting the 86 students by including various positions of leader board, student voluteers, student coordinations for respective wings. Later these wings have been succeeded to manage a whole rounded various management works  with true collaboration, teamwork and encoragement. 

   Wission Talks

Position held : Community Manager - Telangana

Wission Talks is a subsidary initiatiavtive under Wissionaire gurukul private ltd. It is a company based in Vijayawada, Andhra pradesh.  

The main purpose of wission talks is, to bring students, entrepreneurs, mentors, industry experts all under one roof. To give students, exposure and network oppurtunity for entrepreneurship, innovation and skill development. All these happens by actively hosting events, projects and initiatives to empower students. 

Wission approached me, through on going my linkedin profile and after a prior discussions, I was been selected as Community Manager of Telangana Region. Which has put, the Right of leadership and responsibilities on my shoulders to drive the tommorow's entrepreneurship community in Telangana. 


Position held : Ideator and Co-coordinator

Voice of GCET, is an news portal of campus based out of digital mediums like instagram and whatsapp channels. Embarking on a campus news venture via Instagram and WhatsApp to provide swift updates, community engagement, and event coverage. Amplifying student achievements, campus events, and fostering inclusivity, it aims to create a vibrant hub for sharing stories, opinions, and campus life, enhancing community cohesion and connectivity.

                                                                                      GENERAL  PARTICIPATIONS 


ROBOTICA's  Ideathon'24