Published Papers

Annals of internal medicine 170 (11), 784-790.

Shasha Han, Tait Shanafelt, Christine Sinsky, Karim Awad, Liselotte Dyrbye, Lynne Fiscus, Mickey Trockel, Joel Goh

Nature Communications 12, 4673 (2021).

Shasha Han, Jun Cai, Juan Yang, Juanjuan Zhang, Qianhui Wu, Wen Zheng, Huilin Shi, Marco Ajelli, Xiao-Hua Zhou, Hongjie Yu

Biostatistics & Epidemiology 5 (1), 1-8.

Shasha Han, Donald Rubin

Working Papers

    • Inference for Multiple Interventions for the Treatment of Diabetes Using Contrast-Specific Propensity Scores

Shasha Han, Joel Goh, Fanwen Meng, Melvin Leow, Donald Rubin

First Place, INFORMS Health Applications Society Student Paper Competition, 2019

    • Principal Resampling for Causal Inference

Shasha Han, Jose Zubizarreta

    • Propensity Score Regression for Casual Inference with Heterogeneity

Peng Wu, Shasha Han (Joint first-author), Xinwei Tong, Runze Li

    • Data-driven inpatient bed assignment: A P-model approach to boarding and overflowing

Shasha Han, Shuangchi He, Hongchoon Oh