Here’s How to Sharpen the Confidence and Expertise of Your Children in a Young Age

Many parents fail to understand a very basic attribute of their children’s upbringing from a young age and later feel bad that they couldn’t turn him into a competent and confident individual. And the thing is allowing them to fall and making them feel like that it is really okay to fall down and there is nothing to be ashamed about it. By falling down here, I mean the tendency in them to accept their failure and being okay with that. But they should be willing to rise up and tackle that problem by the way. As long as they are on the right path to have a zeal to win after each failure, you are on the right track as a parent. 

Nowadays, many CBSE Schools in Jaipur have made it a standard to not to demoralize any student if he is underperforming. And instead, motivated to learn how to do it perfectly and nail it down in the next run. However, there’s one more thing we should all keep in mind and that is keeping an eye if the kid is failing again and again. If that is the case, you will need to take things more seriously and should take it into consideration that continuous fails can take a toll on your little one’s minds. And hence, you need to take the following steps. This scenario might mean that you have to intervene and provide the necessary support to them. 

Many parents with rather progressive state of mind sometimes take things in wrong ways. And they begin to interpret that each failure is giving experience to their kid. But that is not the case always. There is one more thing that is associated with the failure and that is depression, fear, and lack of resilience. Resilience was never a byproduct of failure, but it was always a byproduct of experience. Therefore, if your kid is not getting experience from his failures, then he is not developing any resilience or confidence as well. And that’s a worrisome case. Your kid has been able enough to understand that if he failed, he needs to pull himself up and back and try again to unparalleled success. 

As parents, our importance and duty lie in providing enough emotional support to them that each and every failure, fills them up with a super beam of determination to tackle down the failure in the next turn, once and for all. For example, if your kids failed his board exam due to any reason, then his confidence, competence, and morale are sure to fall down and depression will undoubtedly take the toll on his mind. As a result, his motivation to read the same class and get good marks will be devastated. As a parent, it is our duty to motivate our kid and provide him with the necessary training that the next time when he takes the same board exam, he breaks the merit list. And that will be a moment when a flux of confidence will be placed in his mind. 

As parents, one quality that comes in-built in us is feeling protective about our kids. And there is nothing actually wrong with it as all parents want to keep their young ones away from the way of harm and hurt. But one thing that 90% of the parents miss, is what approach are we taking into consideration to do that. 

Is it really as good for our young ones as we think? Or are we overestimating things? We need to ask ourselves every time that whether our approach is beneficial for them or will it be burdensome in the long run? Are we feeding them with a teaspoon turn after turn or are we actually empowering our little ones to overcome challenges and grow victorious? Are our kids getting better with time to take things in their hands and handle them without the help of their parents? All these things have to be considered by a responsible parent. 

One easy way that I know to handle such scenarios is being a friend, a coach, and a parent at the same time when it comes to your kid. Yes, definitely it sounds tough but it is necessary. We need to play the part of a mentor along with keeping up with playing the part of a parent.