Rumie Micro-learning Bytes

Rumie is a non-profit organization that aims to create accessible micro-learning for under-served communities. I have worked with them to create a variety of "Bytes" to address various microlearning topics.

  • Responsibilities: Instructional Designer, content developer

  • Target Audience: Under-served communities

  • Tools Used: Rumie-Build LMS

Process of Creating Microlearning Content

Rumie utilizes a user friendly LMS equipped with templates and designs to create a standard layout for lessons. Although formatting is provided, I am tasked with creating meaningful microlearning content and formative assessment items. Following agile principles such as working in sprints, I am able to quickly create quality lessons by using learning strategies.


My lessons begin by introducing the learners to background information and important vocabulary. It is important for learners to know what to expect before diving into content. Next, they will learn about the topic and how to utilize the information. Finally, they are provided with scenario based assessment items to check for understanding. By slowly building learners up, I can build their confidence in the topic, retain interest, and successfully introduce new information.


Some topics are chunked into bite size pieces. This gives the learner time to process meaningful pieces of information. When they are ready to learn more, they can continue on to the next lesson until they are ready to put all of the information together to explore the big picture.

Dual Coding

Following Meyer's Multimedia principles, I always combine meaningful images with well written content. This helps learners process the information in two different ways and lends to an easier retrieval process.