The processes of life are like a drama, and I am studying the actors, not the plot. There are many actors, and it is their characters which make this drama. I seek to understand their habits, their peculiarities.
— Prof. Albrecht Kossel, During a New York Times interview
SharmaG_omics lab is led by Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana. Earlier (from August 2016-September 2022), he worked as a DST-INSPIRE Faculty Scientist at IBAB, Bengaluru. The broad interest of his lab lies in exploring and understanding microbial diversity and genome evolution. With the development of outstanding sequencing technologies, an enormous amount of genome/ transcriptome/ metagenome data can be used to infer interesting evolutionary theories, physiological behaviour, and putative lifestyles of diverse organisms. His lab attempts to utilize this open-source genome/ transcriptome/ metagenome data and generated high throughput data from diverse sequencing platforms to bridge the gap between computational data, biological function, and organism evolution.
We are open to collaborating and exploring new research ideas. Feel free to contact us.
Logo designed by Richa Kakkar with suggestions from all lab members
Official Website of Dr. Gaurav Sharma's Research Group, IIT Hyderabad, India