I am an Economist at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington DC. I received a PhD in Economics from UNC Chapel Hill in May 2022. My research is in private equity and private debt, banking, corporate finance, and public finance. At the Fed, I provide analysis related to banking, nonbank financial intermediation and I have briefed the governors on private debt. You can find my CV here



Fed Board Profile - SSRN - Linkedin


May 2024: The paper 'Private Equity and Debt Contract Enforcement: Evidence from Covenant Violations' is selected for presentation at the NBER Summer Institute 2024 program!

May 2024: New paper "Private Debt versus Bank Debt in Corporate Borrowing" posted on SSRN!  

February 2024:  Two of my papers are scheduled for presentation at the MFA 2024 Annual Meeting in Chicago. 

August 2023:  The paper 'How Private Equity Fuels Non-Bank Lending' is scheduled for presentation at the Federal Reserve System Banking Conference & 15th Annual Private Equity Research Conference (PERC)

June 2023: I recently presented 'Private Equity and Corporate Borrowing Constraints: Evidence from Loan level Data' at the Mitsui Finance Symposium, and will next present at the EFA Annual Meeting 2023.

The views reflected on this website are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Board or the Federal Reserve System.