
Priority 1: Civic engagement/responsible citizenship

To discuss and distinguish the difference between rights and duties or obligations of each citizen.

To understand what, in fact, is full citizenship and how to live it effectively,

To develop a critical sense of the students, so that they are protagonists of their history and know what their duties are and what rights they can and should exercise, first in the school and later in life.

To take action according to the topics of the project.

To share and publish the themes worked and their outcomes with other colleagues, school community, family and Social Networks.

Priority 2: Inclusion - equity

To raise aspirations of students in socially deprived areas by providing a global perspective for future goals

To encourage equality of opportunities by ensuring participation by students from a range of backgrounds and academic abilities including: subsidised children, minorities and those with additional educational needs.

To enable students from all ethnic backgrounds and nationalities to feel respected and valued in their schools and local communities. To enable students with learning difficulties and disabilities to feel respected and valued in their schools and local communities.

To promote students to take action in order to accept and include colleagues with fewer opportunities.

Priority 3: Key (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills

To improve team building and problem solving skills by working collaboratively during the students' mobilities abroad.

To improve the quality of teaching and learning in participant schools through comparing school systems and sharing effective teaching methods.

To develop pupils' digital competencies by the creation of an interactive website and by training

teachers in the use and exploitation of Digital resources. To develop mathematical skills by making statistical treatment information gathered during the


To promote innovation through expression in the creative arts.

To have an immediate effect on students in terms of creativity, self confidence and their motivation to improve their communication skills, namely in English language.