
Warsztaty kulinarne

Uczniowie klasy pierwszej technikum żywienia brali udział w warsztatach kulinarnych pod kierunkiem pana Tadeusz Felbura. Przygotowywano tradycyjne polskie potrawy - zupę grzybową z groszkiem ptysiowym, pierogi, leniwe kluski i surówkę.

Wywiad z panem Tadeuszem Felburem

- Can you tell us how your adventure with the profession began? Why did you become a cook?

- I come from a large family. Already in childhood my mum taught us to cook. We were always helping her in the kitchen. As a seven-year-old I began to attend culinary classes at the House of Culture in Goleniów and I got fascinated by it. I cooked a lot with my mum, learned to used spices and herbs. I also participated in meetings of Village Housewives Circle, where I gained new skills.

- Where did you learn to cook?

- As I mentioned before, first at home and then at culinary classes. After finishing primary school I attended Catering School in Szczecin. For health reasons I had to come back home and change school. Eventually I finished Vocational School In Goleniów, specialising in the profession of chef. Later I completed many courses in Polish, Russian and Scandinavian cuisine.

- What was your first job?

- My first job was in a kindergarten, later I worked in different restaurants in Goleniów.

- What qualities should you have to be good at this profession?

- First of all you have to love cooking. You must have a sense of taste and imagination.

- What do you like the most in the kitchen?

- Favourite activity? I love preparing venison and various kinds of meat in general – especially marinating and smoking.

- Your favourite food?

- I don’t have one favourite dish, but I really enjoy roast hare

- What do you think about traditional Polish cuisinie?

- Polish cuisine is very rich and tasty. Venison, pork, veal. We have a lot of traditional dishes: bigos, dumplings, mushroom dishes. We use a lot of herbs – thyme, st John’s wort, chamomille, pigweed. The richness of flavours is the best thing about Polish cuisine.