
quiz związany ze słownictwem kulinarnym - napoje

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  • temat - Pasztecik Szczeciński

Pasztecik Szczeciński - 49th birthday of our legendary treat

The last weekend in Szczecin (the capital of West Pomerania) was devoted to "Pasztecik Szczeciński". We celebrated its 49th birthday. You can ask: What is it? or How can a dish have birthday? Actually, it can. And that's how it all started ...

After the war Russian troops stationed in Szczecin for a number of years. They had three machines for mass production of dumplings. In 1969 one of these machines was given to the food cooperative in Szczecin. Ms Bogumiła Polańska who was in charge of the first fast food point in Szczecin changed the forms used in the machine to shape dumplings and started producing this original treat. Those first "paszteciki" were stuffed with meat and served with clear borscht. Later, in times of crisis - also with eggs, cheese or meat minced with vegetables or sour cabbage (sauerkraut). In 2010 it was officially certified as a traditional product.

How does it taste? Of course - delicious. It's made of deep fried yeast dough with a filling. The most common filling at present are: meat, cheese with champignons or sauerkraut with mushrooms. What's important - it's really cheap - 1 pasztecik costs 3,5 PLN which is less that a Euro. You can buy it in many places in Szczecin (practically in all major shopping centres), but the original machine still works in Wojska Polskiego street near the catherdal. Supposedly these are the best. If you ever come to Szczecin, you must try it. You cannot buy it anywhere else.