
Journal Articles

1. Sathiakumar, S., Barbot, S. D. & Agram, P. Extending resolution of fault slip with geodetic networks through optimal network design. Journal of Geophysical Research 122, 10–538 (2017).

2.  Sathiakumar, S., Barbot, S. & Hubbard, J. Earthquake cycles in fault-bend folds. Journal of Geophysical Research 125, e2019JB018557 (2020).

3. Sathiakumar, S., Barbot, S. The stop-start control of seismicity by fault bends along the Main Himalayan Thrust. Communications Earth and Environment 2, 87 (2021). 

4. Sathiakumar, S. Robotic seafloor geodesy to help earthquake and tsunami monitoring. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment 2, 450 (2021).

5. Lansing J. S., Kremer J. N., Suryawan I. B. G., Sathiakumar S., Jacobs G. S., Chung N. N. and Artha Wiguna I. Wy A. (2023). Adaptive irrigation management by Balinese farmers reduces greenhouse gas emissions and increases rice yields. Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society B37820220400.

6. Sathiakumar, S., Barbot, S. and Hubbard, J., (2024). The role of fault structural evolution on long-term slip rates and seismic cycles in the Himalayan orogenic wedge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 630, 118599.