Sharad Vats Safaris

How to Choose a Luxury Tiger Safari?

There are more than 3,500 tigers in the wild right now worldwide. They are all vulnerable to extinction, and they are facing relentless pressure from poaching, habitat loss, and retaliatory killings. Seeing the wild cats in the wild roaming freely in their natural habitat is an amazing experience. However, if you fail to choose the wrong luxury tiger safari company, you may not have an amazing experience. Some of the tips for choosing a luxury tiger safari are as follows:

Choose the right place:

You may see tigers in Nepal, Bhutan, and Siberia, but the best place to choose to see a tiger is India, where 70% of the world's tiger population resides. There are several jungle safaris in India. It stretches from Rajasthan, passes through Madhya Pradesh, and into Maharashtra. So, when you plan a Luxury Tour India for tiger safari, you need to choose the right place suitable for you as they will make sure that you can spot a tiger in the wild. Read more...

Luxury safari in India: What to pack for the best trip?

Going on luxury safari tours can be the perfect notion of refreshment for wildlife enthusiasts. The beautiful and luscious green landscapes of the forest, along with sightseeing of the wild animals, can be a perfect treat both for the eyes and the soul. However, to make your luxury safari trip perfect and a lot more enjoyable, it is essential to make the perfect arrangements beforehand, among which packing for the safari appropriately is one of the most important things to emphasize. Failure to pack your essentials can make you face unfavorable or unforeseen situations that can end up ruining your safari experience. So, let this blog help you out! In this blog, you will find the essentials you need to pack for your next luxury safari in India.

What are the things you must pack for a luxury safari tour?

Here's the list of things that you should pack for your trip:


When packing for a luxury wildlife safari tour, skipping on the medicines can take a great toll on your entire trip. Make sure to carry all your previously prescribed medicines according to your health condition and take them in time to remain healthy and active. Also, since you will be traveling to a forest, carrying medicines such as topical allergy ointments is a must. You should also carry flu, fever, stomach ache tablets, etc., to maintain your safety throughout the safari trip. Although you can easily get medicines and primary medical care at luxury wildlife resorts, it is better to stay self-sufficient to combat any situation. 

Appropriate clothing and footwear

Packing the appropriate clothing and footwear is the key to experiencing the perfect safari trip. Take lightweight and comfortable clothes to make your journey comfortable. Try avoiding bright colors and switching to more neutral shades, as bright colors might be greatly distracting for the animals. Also, you should take special note of the footwear. Carry comfortable shoes that are appropriate for walking long distances, and avoid wearing fancy, uncomfortable footwear. 

Photography equipment

A luxury safari trip can deliver you with memories to cherish throughout life. Why not make it even more memorable and special by capturing every moment of your wildlife safari tour? Carry your photography equipment along with you to frame all the special moments of the trip. Check if your camera's working fine before going on the trip. If you don't have a camera yet, then it's a good opportunity to invest in one! Also, don't forget to carry extra batteries to keep your camera charged throughout the trip.


Keeping binoculars with you will help you stay connected with the wildlife to a greater extent. It will help you spot animals in the wilderness from great distances. Since national parks are an adobe to countless bird species, you can also use binoculars for bird watching at national parks. However, if you forget to pack binoculars for the safari tour, you can always ask at your luxury wildlife lodge for one. 


Complete packing for your luxury safari India trip with the above-mentioned essentials to make your travel incredibly convenient. Are you looking for the best luxury safari trip planners in India? Reach out to Sharad Vats Safaris. They can plan the best safari tours in India!