ProcDump Install steps

Sure thing & great idea. This part is pretty easy. Here is what I did:

· Download

o My tools are located under “C:\_Software\SysInternals”

· Choose where you want to store the dump files

· For each application, create a new service

o Service+ is preferred

o sc.exe will work if needed

· Service config

o Program: “C:\_Software\SysInternals\procdump.exe”

§ Update path as necessary

o Parameters: “-accepteula -e LOSA.exe C:\Nexa\Production\Logs\CrashDump\LOSA.dmp”

§ Update path as necessary

§ The file will automatically insert a timestamp into the file name even though it isn’t supposed to, so this config will not overwrite any existing crash dumps

· I have a bug ticket in with SysInternals for this, so if it does get fixed in a later revision and you want to ensure that the crash dump filename always rolls, just leave the filename off the target path

o Directory: “C:\_Software\SysInternals”

§ Update path as necessary

· Add a dependency on the target service, which for the example is LOSAPEN

· The service will not need to interact with the desktop, nor need to be shown

· The service will terminate once the application crashes

o We restart via monitoring

o You will probably want to configure this in either Zabbix or in the service by enabling “When the program stops, restart it after” and set to “1” seconds