Academic Awards

2021CIE Information Theory Society Yong-star Award. 中国电子学会信息论分会青年新星奖

2020:National Crypto-Math Challenge of China, Supervision Award. 全国高校密码数学挑战赛明星导师奖

2019:Teaching Competition of Jinan University, Third Prize. 暨南大学本科教学竞赛三等奖

2014-2018:Department Fees Scholarships from the EEE department of Imperial College, CSC Scholarships.

2011-2013:Graduate National Scholarships*2, First Prize Scholarships of SCUT*3, Tencent Excellence Scholarships, etc. 研究生国家奖学金等

2007-2010:SCUT Scholarships of Merit Students*2, CCB Scholarships of Merit Students, Electronic Design Award of Guangdong Province, Excellent Youth League Member Award*2, etc. 华南理工大学三好学生奖学金等